Afternoon Links of Awesomeness: January 6, 2012 | Sojourners

Afternoon Links of Awesomeness: January 6, 2012

Recently Pat Robertson announced that God told him who would win the 2012 election, but that he must keep it a secret. Stephen Colbert analyzes God’s message to Robertson and joins him in curing America’s ills through overwhelming prayer.  


File sharing is now considered a form of religious expression in Sweden. Mental Floss reports that the Missionary Church of Kopimism influenced this legislation through the belief in the sacredness of information; therefore, those who file share perform “acts akin to prayer.” 

App developers report that at least 150 churches currently have custom-made smartphone apps, and the number is expected to grow exponentially in the coming years. Churches are swiftly moving into the digital age with prayer requests, confession, calendars, and sermons on the go.


Harrison Ford rose to success playing Indiana Jones in the classic films, but believe it or not, he’s never seen the Indiana Jones movies -- that is, according to this new video which shows Ford sitting down to watch them for the first time. The result is a man who is captivated by the suspense and blown away by the action.


Gary Busey and Ted Haggard trade spouses in the latest Celebrity Wife Swap. Haggard, an evangelical pastor most known for his publicized sex scandal in 2006, tells FOX News that he initially chose the show to “communicate hope to people.”


One African woman’s cereal business spurs large-scale development. Read Good’s inspiring story about this unique business and the transformation it brings to people and the local economy.

The Daily Show’s Jason Jones talks Islamaphobia and Republican ideology with a Muslim Republican in Flordia whose quest for candidacy is even causing anti-hate groups to oppose him.


Facebook will soon make networking offline easier by allowing users to create custom business cards using pictures and information from their facebook profile. Read more from The Guardian.


Jimmy Kimmel releases part two of parents giving their children terrible Christmas presents! And in case you missed part one, click here.


And presented without comment, a Christian rendition of the Black Eyed Peas' "classic" booty shaker, "My Humps."