Honest, Joyful Parenting, Even Amid Climate Collapse | Sojourners

Honest, Joyful Parenting, Even Amid Climate Collapse

In “This Sweet Earth,” Lydia Wylie-Kellermann explores raising children honestly and joyfully in a world on the brink of despair.
The image shows the book "This Sweet Earth" which has flowers and a silhouette of a girl on the cover.
This Sweet Earth: Walking with Our Children in the Age of Climate Collapse by Lydia Wylie-Kellermann / Broadleaf

LYDIA WYLIE-KELLERMANN HAS a large cemetery in her backyard. There lie “weeds and tulips and a few homemade tombstones ... beloved fish, brutally attacked chickens, stray cats, and two beloved rabbits.” In this cemetery, her two preteen sons, Isaac and Cedar, and wife Erinn Fahey host a lot of funerals. Why? Living during climate collapse means we must face death with dignity.

Approaching mortality with gentleness is just one of many lessons woven throughout This Sweet Earth: Walking with Our Children in the Age of Climate Collapse. Reading the book feels like listening to stories shared by a friend over a glass of sweet tea.

This Sweet Earth is filled with narratives from Wylie-Kellermann’s life as an activist, parent, and watershed-dweller. Every chapter is benedicted by corresponding prayers and blessings, which affirm that Wylie-Kellermann was brought up on a diet of poetry and anti-nuclear pamphlets. Former editor of Geez magazine and daughter of protest prophet Bill Wylie-Kellermann and organizer and writer Jeanie Wylie-Kellermann, Lydia chooses words with precision, power, and a bit of whimsy.

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The image is of the cover of Sojourners Magazine, it is a yellow-orange background with a black and white illustration of the captiol building, with a cross on the top.
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