Sojourners Magazine: September/October 2024
Loving God and neighbor in polarizing times.
Scholars, pastors, and activists on hopeful action to undo this heretical belief system.
Is “miraculous meritocracy” driving some believers towards a gospel of entitlement?
Recovering Christian political imagination through a closer look at Pentecost.
When a community is uninformed, it’s easy for local officials to abuse their power.
The testimony of Friedel Dausab, a born-again Christian whose work culminated in Namibia’s legal decision to decriminalize gay sex.
Being part of the process of human growth is better than anything.
The film depicts an atmosphere birthed from the experience of trans people but is one that anyone who has ever felt discarded will recognize.
Three culture recommendations from our editors.
Salvation Mountain, flanked by military might and environmental destruction, colorfully declares the good news.
In This Sweet Earth, Lydia Wylie-Kellermann explores raising children honestly and joyfully in a world on the brink of despair.
A new PBS documentary details how Jesuit paleontologist Pierre Teilhard de Chardin suffered for his love of the church and the world.
Without public memory to anchor and unite us, nostalgia and racism distort our storytelling and education.
A poem.
October reflections from the Revised Common Lectionary (Year B).
September reflections from the Revised Common Lectionary (Year B).
This is not a horror movie. This is a CSA subscription.
How To Be a Christian in Public
You don’t have to hide your faith to uphold the rights and faith of others.
Social Mysticism Can Help Us Encounter the Divine
God is waiting for us to experience the presence of the Spirit through the work of community organizing.