Sojourners Magazine: August 2019
Letters to the American church from Christians around the world.
A congregation in Texas celebrates its connections to space and down-to-earth mission at home.
Denaturalization is the latest strategy among anti-immigrant administrators.
The logic of peace must always replace a logice of violence.
Reviewing The Saint of Lost Causes, the new Justin Townes Earle album.
The group is creating community across racial, national, and religious borders.
A review of The Uninhabitable Earth: Life After Warming, by David Wallace-Wells.
A review of Burying White Supremacy: Resurrecting a Badass Christianity, by Miguel A. De La Torre.
A review of The Politics of Peace: A Global Cold War History, by Petra Goedde.
A poem.
Scripture passages are from the Revised Common Lectionary, Cycle C
Funny business by Ed Spivey Jr.
Mike Pence is Wrong
Theological disagreement is not religious discrimination.