Weekly Wrap 10.13.17: The 10 Best Stories You Missed This Week | Sojourners

Weekly Wrap 10.13.17: The 10 Best Stories You Missed This Week

1. Spies on Campus

How the CIA secretly exploits higher education.

2. The Stories Behind Those Iconic ‘SNL’ Photos

Find out how Mary Ellen Matthews, the photographer behind the iconic ‘SNL’ photos, finds the inspiration to capture the personalities of each host.

3. ICE Detained a Pregnant Rape Survivor for Six Months, Records Show

There have been 525 pregnant women detained since last October, which advocates call part of a troubling trend under Trump.

4. The Future of Food

How do we build a just, sustainable food system?

5. From Aggressive Overtures to Sexual Assault: Harvey Weinstein’s Accusers Tell Their Stories

Trigger Warning: Stories of the women who have accessed Harvey Weinstein of sexual misconduct and predatory behavior.

6. White Terrorism Is an American Problem

“Terrorism is not limited to those who do not look like you.”

7. Help Puerto Rico Recover by Mapping Damaged Areas

Mapping disparities matter for governmental and humanitarian organizations delivering aid after a hurricane, earthquake, or other disaster. Here's one way to help.

8. Meet The 'Young Saints' Of Bethel Who Go To College To Perform Miracles

From attempting to raise the dead, praying for healing, and learning how to prophesy, this Buzzfeed profile gives us an inside look at Bethel’s School of Supernatural Ministry.

9. My Book Is About Race. Of Course It Is.

“Now my world is still on fire, but people keep applauding my ability to describe the flames.”

10. Targeted Yet Faithful: Egypt's Copts, Wary of Restrictions, Celebrate Virgin Mary Feast

Egypt's Feast of the Virgin Mary used to be shared by Coptic Christians and Muslims. Now, some worry restrictions damage efforts at amicable relationships.

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