States With High Number of Undocumented Immigrants Don't Majorly Support Deportation | Sojourners

States With High Number of Undocumented Immigrants Don't Majorly Support Deportation

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A recent study by the Public Religion Research Institute reveals there aren’t any states in the U.S. in which 50 percent or more of its residents support deportation as adequate reform of the immigration system.

Even in California, Texas, and Florida, states that respectively have the highest, second-highest, and third-highest number of undocumented immigrants in the country, this holds true.

In all 50 states, the percentage of residents who voted for Donald Trump in the 2016 U.S. presidential election exceed the percentage of residents who support deportation. Many Trump supporters nationwide have a very different stance on immigration than that of the person whom they elected to the highest office in the land.

In California, 32 percent of residents voted for Trump, compared to the 10 percent of residents who support deportation. In Texas, 52 percent of residents voted for Trump, compared to the 14 percent of residents who support deportation. In Florida, 49 percent of residents voted for Trump, compared to the 15 percent of residents who support deportation.

Read more here.