SojoAction: Immigration
The movement of people is as natural as the flow of water. In harmony with creation and the native people of each land, all people have the right to migrate, whether for survival or flourishing.
Migration involves both loss and hope. That’s probably why the experience of migration is central to our Christian faith — from Sarah to Ruth, to God entering human existence in the form of a child who had to flee persecution.
Our lives are connected to great-grandparents, grandparents, and parents who left lands to protect their children and pursue dreams. Our lives are connected to ancestors who were forcefully, illegally, and violently taken to different lands. And our stories are connected to lands and ancestors who have welcomed people for ages.
Sojourners’ Immigration Campaign brings faith leaders and activists together to advocate — in churches, communities, and among elected officials — for immigration policies that honor the God-given dignity of every person, protecting family unity and promoting thriving communities. Sojourners’ Immigration Campaign also uplifts immigrant faith leaders shaping the church.
We combine online resources, grassroots education, and direct advocacy based on moral and theological principles that compel us to love, care for, and seek justice with immigrants.
Our advocacy calls for:
- Humane and dignifying treatment of people, especially children, at every stage of the immigration process
- An end to the criminalization of immigrants, mandatory detention, and cruel practices that harm immigrant people and separate families
- Dignifying and responsible enforcement of just immigration laws that implement creative alternatives to the current appalling practices
- Pathways to permanency and stability for families and people whose home has been this country and wish to have a permanent status
Much of the rhetoric surrounding immigration debates is steeped in the language of Revelation, argues New Testament professor Yii-Jan Lin.
The faith groups argue that allowing ICE to make arrests in places of worship violates religious freedoms.
Immigrant churches are standing in sacred resistance against Trump’s “shock and awe” immigration policies.
Immigrant churches are standing in sacred resistance against Trump’s “shock and awe” immigration policies.
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