Donald Trump Says Judge Is Disqualified Because of His 'Mexican Heritage' | Sojourners

Donald Trump Says Judge Is Disqualified Because of His 'Mexican Heritage'

a katz / Shutterstock
Photo via a katz / Shutterstock

Donald Trump continued his streak of racist comments on June 2, this time taking aim at a federal judge.

Judge Gonzalo Curiel is presiding over two civil fraud lawsuits against Trump University in which the real estate mogul is accused of swindling thousands of dollars from students.

Since the litigation began Trump has been accusing Curiel of bias and poor judgment, but never explicitly recognized Curiel's ethnicity.

That changed on June 2 when Trump drew attention to Muriel's "Mexican heritage."

The Wall Street Journal reports:

In an interview, Mr. Trump said U.S. District Judge Gonzalo Curiel had “an absolute conflict” in presiding over the litigation given that he was “of Mexican heritage” and a member of a Latino lawyers’ association. Mr. Trump said the background of the judge, who was born in Indiana to Mexican immigrants, was relevant because of his campaign stance against illegal immigration and his pledge to seal the southern U.S. border. “I’m building a wall. It’s an inherent conflict of interest,” Mr. Trump said.

Trump's latest remarks continue the spirit with which he's described people of Mexican descent in the past.

"When Mexico sends its people, they're not sending their best," he said as he announced his candidacy in July 2015. "They're bringing drugs. They're bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people."

Read more at The Wall Street Journal.