Day 2: Listen to Survivors | Sojourners

Day 2: Listen to Survivors

7 Days of Prayer and Action to End Violence Against Women
Image via wavebreakmedia/

Rape. Domestic Violence. Acid Burnings. Female Infanticide. Human Trafficking. Emotional Abuse. Sexual Harassment. Genital Mutilation.

These are just a few forms of sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV) that women and girls endure on a daily basis. But these assaults on the human spirit and sacred worth of women and girls will not have the last word.

As part of our commitment to ending SGBV, Sojourners is joining the creative forces of One Billion Rising – a global movement to end violence against women that features a day of action and solidarity on Valentine’s Day. Demonstrate your faithful love and support of women and girls by participating in our weeklong initiative of prayer and action leading up to V-Day. Follow along as we release daily opportunities for you to boldly put your faith into action for social justice. And know that you are not alone in this struggle for justice as we unite together across the world to #Rise4Revolution.

Day 2: Listen to Survivors