Last spring, Sojourners helped to mobilize a broad group of evangelical, pentecostal, black, Catholic, and mainline Protestant leaders to offer a visible alternative to the Religious Right. Our May 23 press conference released "The Cry for Renewal," signed by a very diverse group of almost 100 church leaders, and the event immediately struck a deeply responsive chord with many people around the country.
Meetings that same day with both Republican and Democratic political leaders on Capitol Hill to discuss a "new politics" were also remarkably successful. More than 200 newspapers around the country carried the story, including the nation's most widely read publications. Literally hundreds of radio, television, and press interviews have followed with several spokespersons from our new Cry for Renewal network.
On virtually every occasion, the public's response-in both the secular and Christian media-has been very supportive of an alternative voice and direction to that which is being loudly proclaimed by the Christian Coalition. Both the Cry for Renewal and the successful publication of The Soul of Politics
have enabled us to raise up more publicly the promise of a new political vision beyond the old categories of Left and Right, liberal and conservative, that have lost people's confidence and become obstacles to finding real solutions to the problems we face.
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