Briefly Noted | Sojourners

Briefly Noted

  • Chief Raymond Yowell of the Western Shoshone National Council has called on President Clinton not to resume nuclear testing at the Nevada Test Site, which is located on Shoshone ancestral lands. "Why continue the contamination of Mother Earth when everyone knows that there is no need for the continuation of nuclear testing?" Yowell said.
  • The U.S. Episcopal Church in June chose Rev. Mary Adelia McLeod as its first diocesan bishop. McLeod, the new bishop of Vermont and the second female diocesan bishop worldwide, said the delegates who chose her were "led by the Holy Spirit." She added, "I think that because I just happen to be a woman is incidental."
  • A study released this May in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute determined that exposure to the pesticide DDT increases the risk of breast cancer fourfold. The study said that even though DDT has been banned in the United States since 1972, it can be stored in the body's tissue for decades. DDT is still widely used throughout Latin America.
  • While Congress debates plans to increase aid to Russia, approximately one half of the 1994 Pentagon budget remains devoted to defending against the former Soviet Union, according to a report issued this spring by the Brookings Institute.
  • Catholic Bishop Wang Milu of China was released from jail this spring after serving nine years for seeking recognition as a bishop from a "foreign hostile force"--Rome. The Union of Catholic Asian News reported that three bishops have died in Chinese government custody in the last three years.

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Sojourners Magazine August 1993
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