A Sabbath Lifestyle | Sojourners

A Sabbath Lifestyle

IN RESPONSE TO your November 1993 issue ("Economics as if Values Mattered"): I heard the writers asking for ways to implement biblical economics. I have looked at a jubilee (Leviticus 25) model for personal, church/community, and national economic policy.

I now operate a recycling hauling business. I struggle with implementing a sabbath/jubilee plan in my business. So far it feels as if I am too small to do so, but I would like to try it with other interested businesses.

My plan: The company puts in a sabbath fund an amount equal to 1/7th of each employee's salary. When the employee has worked for the company six years, they take a sabbath year paid from the sabbath fund.

The employee is encouraged to do voluntary service, to go back to school, or to work on personal growth issues, but they are free to do whatever they want. An equal or better job with the company will be available when they return or they are free to relocate without penalty. The interest on the sabbath fund is used to fund the retirement and health plans for employees.

I would be interested in hearing from any who would like to try and implement a Sabbath lifestyle.

Kelly Hayes

Wichita, Kansas

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Sojourners Magazine February-March 1994
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