Whether studying peace or Plato, new spaces and new faces can reveal fresh insights and bring knowledge and experience together in ways that a regular classroom cant. Many Christian colleges are empowering students for real-world challenges by getting them off campus. Here are three creative approaches to education that get professors and students alike out of the ivory tower.
Into the Woods
Every fall, college students around the United States move into campus dorms, buy expensive books, and begin the fall semester classes they signed up for the spring before. Day after day they see the same people, in the same environment, and, before they know it, its time to graduate and join the real world. Are there positive alternatives to this standard way of learning, you ask? The answer is yes.
The Oregon Extension is a program of Houghton College that draws participants from the 13 liberal arts colleges and universities of the Christian College Consortium to spend a semester in the Cascade Mountains of Oregon. Deeply rooted in the values of social justice and peace, the Oregon Extension has four intellectual themes: contemporary issues, social thought, human stories, and living faith. Students are encouraged to arrive with daunting questions and life-altering thoughts for a program that encourages serious contemplation, both personally and collectively.
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