Jonathan Kuttab was a prominent Palestinian attorney and activist who lived in Jerusalem when this article appeared. He worked with Al-Haq, an organization of lawyers who monitor human rights concerns of Palestinians living under Israeli military occupation, and the Mandela Institute for Political Prisoners. He was a well-known advocate for nonviolent resolution of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and a frequent commentator and analyst for Western media. He was also working on a book about Palestinian liberation theology.
In early April 1991, both Kuttab and Jim Wallis of Sojourners were speakers in a lecture series on the Middle East at Furman University in South Carolina. Charles Kimball, associate professor of religion at Furman when this article appeared, and Jim Wallis conducted the following interview with Jonathan Kuttab.
--The Editors
Jim Wallis: What is the current situation back home, on the West Bank and Gaza?
Jonathan Kuttab: The situation, particularly the economic situation, is as bad as anybody ever thought it could be. Even during three years of intifada [Palestinian resistance to Israeli occupation], when we thought we had experienced systematic efforts to punish Palestinians economically, we had seen nothing like the situation that has occurred since the Gulf war.
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