Sojourners Magazine: May 2022
Mutual aid in an age of estrangement. How do we build communities of care and concern?
From the book of Acts to Mennonite solidarity, mutual aid has long been a way to create networks of communal care.
Faith groups offer access to food and a model of sustainable solutions to food insecurity.
Let’s honor working people by advocating for policies that put workers over greed.
Mutual aid helps us to live out the central commandment: "Love one another as I have loved you."
The resurrected body of Jesus becomes the Way by which his life force moves forward.
On a 100-acre farm southwest of Bethlehem, a Palestinian family lives out a commitment to reconciliation and nonviolence.
“Our churches must become centers of service to our people in times of adversity.”
How the theologian and mystic called the American church back to Jesus.
A relationship with God means our bodies and the earth are not separate.
Two big things have happened that exploded many of my expectations and drastically altered the cultural landscape.
This 2015 HBO miniseries' title is a hint. “Show me a hero and I’ll write you a tragedy” is how the full F. Scott Fitzgerald quote goes.
An excerpt from The Hidden Order of Intimacy: Reflections on the Book of Leviticus.
Three culture recommendations from our editors.
In Deep Waters prompts us to jump in and imagine a better future we can all swim toward together.
Amy Kenny’s My Body Is Not a Prayer Request — part memoir and part disability justice hermeneutic — is a challenge the church desperately needs.
A poem.
May reflections on the Revised Common Lectionary, Cycle C.
If you have any questions, please address those to your parents on the car ride home.
Should Prostitution Be Decriminalized?
Four things an advocate wants you to know about sex workers.