Viridiana Martínez is not your typical 26-year-old. She went behind bars—on purpose—to expose President Obama’s deportation policies.
As an undocumented activist with the National Immigrant Youth Alliance (NIYA), Martínez turned herself in to infiltrate the Broward Transitional Center. Inside the detention center, Martínez discovered that the Obama administration is detaining low-priority individuals it promised not to deport. Check out her story, “Inside Job,” featured in Sojourners magazine (March 2013).
According to NIYA, organizers who infiltrated Broward have seen people detained who were:
- DREAM Act-eligible youth
- Individuals with no criminal record
- Individuals with pending U-visa/VAWA applications
- Individuals clearly detained because of racial profiling tactics used by police and border patrol, including the detention of passengers in vehicles
- Individuals with extreme medical conditions
Take action! Sign this national petition calling for the release of all low-priority detainees at Broward.

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