Sojourners Magazine: June-July 1983
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Cover Story
When former President Jimmy Carter first proposed the MX missile system in 1979, it consisted of 200 missiles with ten warheads each that would be shuttled among several hundred shelters along a huge racetrack in the Utah desert.
I met Karl Gaspar in January. We were both in Geneva for the dialogue between First and Third World theologians which I wrote about in this column a few months ago.
From April 20 to 24 I participated in the Christian World Conference on Life and Peace in Uppsala, Sweden, where I was one of 133 delegates from 60 countries.
Only 13 times in 30 years has a U. S. president called a joint session of Congress.
It was nearly noon on Good Friday. With feelings of both expectancy and trepidation, we were about to call Chicago again.