Sojourners Magazine: January 2021
Finding our way in post-Trump America: Reflections on the task before us as the country, and the church, prepare to repair and rebuild.
Historians, theologians, artists, and activists reflect on where we go from here.
Christians of European descent must face the hard stories of their past.
Indigenous communities honor relationships with all life. Will European descendants learn to do the same?
While we feature perspectives on the presidential election and what’s ahead politically, we also offer reflections on matters not bound by four-year cycles.
A legacy of colonialism is at the crux of the Azerbaijan and Armenia conflict.
The rich don't just control the flow of carbon; they control the flow of power.
Sleep deprivation is a racial and social justice issue of white supremacy and capitalism.
Three culture recommendations from our editors.
Poet Nikky Finney seeks the flourishing of Black families in a time of violent decay.
We may not be able to go to movie theaters, but films still provide an emotional gathering place.
Tom Sine and Dwight J. Friesen on their new book, 2020s Foresight.
The Green Good News illuminates joyful responses to ecological breakdown.
Robert Chao Romero's book offers the gift of seeing scripture and theology through Latinx eyes.
January Reflections on the Revised Common Lectionary, Cycle B.
From our humor columnist.
Will the U.S. Finally Approve the ERA?
God loves and creates us all equally. Equal treatment under the law flows from these truths.