The online editorial staff comprises Betsy Shirley, Jenna Barnett, Josiah R. Daniels, Mitchell Atencio, Heather Brady, Kierra Bennning, and Zachary Lee.
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Voice of the Day: The Letter to Diognetus
Christians live in their own countries, but only as guests and aliens. They take part in everything as citizens and endure everything as aliens. ... They are as poor as begars, and yet they make many rich. They lack everything, and yet they have everything in abundance. They are dishonored, and yet have their glory in this very dishonor. ... They are abused, yet they bless. ... In a word: what the soul is in the body, the Christians are in the world.
- Letter to Diognetus
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Voice of the Day: D.H. Lawrence
Plant consciousness, insect consciousness, fish consciousness, animal consciousness, are all related by one permanent element, which we may call the religious element in all life, even in a flea: the sense of wonder. That is our sixth sense. And it is the natural religious sense.
- D.H. Lawrence
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Prayer of the Day: 'Shrewdness of Serpents and Innocence of Doves'
Lord, thank you for using the foolish to confound the wise and the weak ones to shame the strong. Help us live with the shrewdness of serpents and the innocence of doves. Keep our feet from fatigue, our spirits from despair, and our hands from failing to rise in praise to you. Amen.
- From Common Prayer
Verse of the Day: 'Where Love Is'
Better is a dinner of vegetables where love is than a fatted ox and hatred with it.
- Proverbs 15:17
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Verse of the Day: 'In Truth and Action'
Little children, let us love, not in word or speech, but in truth and action.
- 1 John 3:18
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Voice of the Day: Joan Chittister
Compassion for the other comes out of our ability to accept ourselves. Until we realize both our own weaknesses and our own privileges, we can never tolerate lack of status and depth of weakness in the other.
- Joan Chittister
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Prayer of the Day: Four-Fold Franciscan Blessing
May God bless us with the gift of tears to shed with those who suffer from pain, rejection, starvation, or the loss of all that they cherish, so that we may reach out our hands to comfort them and transform their pain into joy.
- Four-fold Franciscan Blessing
Prayer of the Day: 'Love Others Through Us Today'
Lord God, our hands are open to you. Our ears are listening to you. Our eyes are watching you. Our hearts are trying to beat with yours. Live in us and love others through us today. Amen.
-From Common Prayer
Voice of the Day: Simone Weil
Humility is attentive patience.
- Simone Weil
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Verse of the Day: 'Be Guided By the Spirit'
If we live by the Spirit, let us also be guided by the Spirit. Let us not become conceited, competing against one another, envying one another.
- Galatians 5:25-26
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Voice of the Day: Madeleine L'Engle
I sit on my favorite rock, looking over the brook, to take time away from busy-ness, time to be. ... It's something we all need for our spiritual health, and often we don't take enough of it.
- Madeleine L'Engle
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Verse of the Day: 'Those Who Observe Justice'
Happy are those who observe justice, who do righteousness at all times.
- Psalm 106:3
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Prayer of the Day: St. Francis de Sales
My God, I give you this day. I offer you, now, all of the good that I shall do and I promise to accept, for love of you, all of the difficulty that I shall meet. Help me to conduct myself during this day in a manner pleasing to you. Amen.
-A prayer of St. Francis de Sales (1567-1622)
Voice of the Day: Dorothy Day
The only conclusion I have ever been able to reach is that we must pray God to increase our faith, a faith without which one cannot love or hope. 'Lord believe, help though my unbelief.'
- Dorothy Day
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Verse of the Day: 'All Are One in Christ Jesus'
There is no longer Jew or Greek, there is no longer slave or free, there is no longer male and female; for all of you are one in Christ Jesus.
- Galatians 3:28
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Prayer of the Day: Obedience
God, may we trust you for all our needs. Help us to be obedient to your teachings and to give thanks for our blessings. Amen.
Verse of the Day: 'The Greatest of These is Love'
And now faith, hope, and love abide, these three; and the greatest of these is love.
- 1 Corinthians 13:13
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Prayer of the Day: Foster Care
God, we pray for children in foster care, provide them loving families who care for them. May your church also be a family for children who lack stability. Amen.
Voice of the Day: Eleanor Roosevelt
Justice cannot be for one side alone, but must be for both. - Eleanor Roosevelt + Sign up to receive our quote of the day via e-mail
Voice of the Day: Albert Luthuli
It is inevitable that in working for freedom some individuals and some families must take the lead and suffer: the road to freedom is via the cross.
- Albert Luthuli
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