Rev. Susan Frederick-Gray is the first woman elected President of the Unitarian Universalist Association headquartered in Boston, Massachusetts. Follow her on twitter at @SFrederickGray


Posts By This Author

For God's Sake, Strike for Climate

 Feb. 15, 2019: Protestors with banners at a Youth strike for climate march in central London. Credit: Shutterstock. 

On Friday, Sept. 20, driven by our faith and by our profound concern about climate change, we will be joining young people from around the world in a climate strike. We will join with youth who, frightened by the impact that a hotter planet will have on their lives and angry that adults have done so little in response, are demanding that world leaders take transformative action to address the emergency that we face. Millions of us will take to the streets to demand a right to a future for generations to come.

The Church Needs To Recapture Its Prophetic Zeal

by Susan Frederick-Gray 04-18-2019

 Martin Luther King Jr. Mural at the National Historic Site in Atlanta, GA.

What is at stake in the conversation regarding the decline in religious life is not just the future of our faith institutions but the future of humanity. We are living through a time just as Dr. King described, where reactionary forces seek to double down on the failing status quo through the rhetoric of scarcity, isolation, and walls. In response, a prophetic faith kindles the imagination of humanity helping us to create new pathways to respond to the challenges of our time that are rooted in not in fear, but in possibility and the values of justice and peace.