Posts By This Author

Children Lead - Who Follows?

by Rose Marie Berger, by 09-01-2003

In Nairobi, 700 children walked out of school and through the streets this April, calling for an end to their country's debt burden.

Building Supplies

by Rose Marie Berger, by 09-01-2003

Planning a stint in the federal pen? Don't leave home without Clare Hanrahan's Jailed for Justice: A Woman's Guide to Federal Prison Camp.

Objection Sustained

by Rose Marie Berger, by 07-01-2003

Interest in conscientious objection is on the rise among members of the U.S. military, according to several indicators.

God vs. General Mills

by Rose Marie Berger, by 07-01-2003

Tom Ciola, creator of the Bible Bar and a host of spiritual snack foods at Logia Foods, just released his newest treat: Bible Granola.


by Rose Marie Berger, by 07-01-2003
Building Supplies

A Deafening Silence

by 07-01-2003
In Israel, is it now okay to kill Americans?

Churches Push Amnesty Project

by Rose Marie Berger, by 07-01-2003

A coalition of Latino religious leaders from 17 states is fighting for amnesty for thousands of undocumented workers in the United States.

Can You Hear Me Now?

by Rose Marie Berger, by 07-01-2003

As if there weren't enough reasons to get rid of your cell phone, a new study from the Worldwatch Institute reports that coltan—the mineral that keeps cell phones and other electronic eq

Not Following Orders

by Rose Marie Berger, by 07-01-2003

Lance Corporal Stephen Eagle Funk, 20, (second from left) turns himself in at his Marine Corps reserve unit after refusing to serve in the Iraq war.

Children Against AIDS

by Rose Marie Berger, by 07-01-2003

A Jesuit priest in southern India, along with local Jesuit school students, has launched an AIDS-awareness campaign conducted mostly by children orphaned by the disease.

What the Mean Streets Teach

by Rose Marie Berger, by 07-01-2003

Calling herself "Aly," the Episcopal bishop of Rhode Island, Geralyn Wolf, spent the month of January on the streets, befriending the homeless and sleeping and eating in shelters.

News Bites

by Rose Marie Berger, by 07-01-2003

Labor Rites.

Boycotting World Bank Bonds

by Rose Marie Berger, by 07-01-2003

Following a two-year organizing drive by students and faculty at the University of New Mexico, the university became the first in the United States to adopt a policy against investment in World Bank bonds.

Character Counts. (Who Knew?)

by Rose Marie Berger, by 07-01-2003

Arguing that "character counts," the United Church of Christ is pressuring all 50 state public utility commissioners to investigate WorldCom and revoke its local licenses...

Religious Rights

by Rose Marie Berger, by 07-01-2003

Several religious bodies recently testified before the U.N. Commission on Human Rights about religious intolerance and discrimination in Pakistan. "

Eastern University: The City as Text

by 05-01-2003
Preparing Christian agents of urban change.

Women Empowered to Fight AIDS

by Rose Marie Berger, by 05-01-2003

The San Francisco-based Global AIDS Interfaith Alliance received a $1 million grant from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to fight HIV/AIDS in Malawi, Africa.

Wonder-Working Power

by Rose Marie Berger, by 05-01-2003

In January, Maine Interfaith Power and Light—an electricity-purchasing group rooted in the faith community—announced the availability of two green electricity options for homeowners in Maine.

Terrorist Training Camp?

by Rose Marie Berger, by 05-01-2003

Eighty-six human rights advocates from across the United States were tried in January and February in federal court for nonviolent civil disobedience

Real Product: Got the Cube?

by Rose Marie Berger, by 05-01-2003

EvangeCube slaps the entire mystery of salvation on a Rubik-style cube, enabling instant conversions in friends, family, and neighbors. Flip one way and you'll see our fall from grace.