Duane Shank was Associate Editor for Sojourners magazine and was on the staff from 1995 to 2014. 

Duane has been active as an organizer and administrator in the peace and justice movement for 35 years, beginning as a draft resistance and antiwar organizer during the Vietnam war. He has worked as a community organizer in the rural south, in interfaith coalitions, and in the nuclear weapons freeze and Central America solidarity movements of the 1980s. His positions have included Associate for the National Inter-religious Service Board for Conscientious Objectors; National Coordinator for the Committee Against Registration and the Draft; Deputy Director and Acting Executive Director for SANE/Freeze; and Research Fellow for the Institute for Policy Studies.

Duane attended Eastern Mennonite University. He is a Anabaptist/Mennonite, and currently an active member and serves on the worship leadership team of the Community of Christ ecumenical congregation in the Mt. Pleasant neighborhood of Washington, D.C. His views on faith and politics have been shaped by (among others), John Howard Yoder, Abraham Joshua Heschel, Martin Luther King, Jr., Dietrich Bonhoeffer, and Oscar Romero.

Duane is married to Ellen Kennel. They have a daughter, Celeste, a graduate of Goshen College, IN, the Medill School of Journalism at Northwestern University, and the University of Chicago Divinity School.

In addition to family, church, and work; his passions are baseball (Washington Nationals), blues (Buddy Guy and Stevie Ray Vaughan) and bluegrass music (Ralph Stanley), and barbecue.


Posts By This Author

The latest news on Tax Cuts, U.S.-Afghanistan, British Welfare Cuts, Iraq, U.S. Middle East Peace Talks, Climate Exchange Platform in Kenya, and Select Op-Eds.

by Duane Shank 11-11-2010

Deficit Commission Proposal.The chairmen of President Obama's bipartisan deficit commission on Wednesday offered an aggressive plan to rebalance the federal budget by curbing increases in Social Security benefits, slashing spending at the Pentagon and other agencies, and wiping out more than $100 billion a year in popular tax breaks for individuals and businesses.

DREAM Act. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi wants to push for a vote during the lame-duck session on a bill that would legalize young, undocumented immigrants if they attend college or serve in the military, according to Democratic sources familiar with a leadership conference call Wednesday.

G-20 Summit. G-20 aims to balance trade “A pending agreement among world leaders in Seoul will mark what U.S. officials hope is a turning point in efforts to better balance trade and capital flows, and in particular come to terms with China over core principles of global economic policy

Quote of the Day. “The crowd was saying, ‘Thank you,’ and I get choked up even right now saying that. There was not one Vietnam veteran who didn’t have tears running down their face, including myself. It was our greatest day.” Paul Davis, president of the Delaware chapter of the Vietnam Veterans of America, at a parade for Vietnam vets. (New York Times)

The latest news on Healthcare Law, Tax Cuts, Immigration Law, Don't Ask, Don't Tell, China, Indonesia, Afghanistan, Burma, Climate Change, and Select Op-Eds.

by Duane Shank 11-09-2010

Healthcare Law. Republicans' consolidation of power in state capitols is likely to expand the number of states that employ a far more limited, free-market-oriented approach to implementing the nation's new health-care law than the robust regulatory model favored by its supporters.

Child Trafficking Arrests. A three-day federal crackdown on child prostitution rings across the country has resulted in the recovery of 69 children and the arrest of 884 persons, including 99 pimps, federal authorities said Monday.

Israel. U.S. President Barack Obama cautioned Tuesday that Israel's plan to construct 1,300 new homes in East Jerusalem could obstruct the pursuit of peace in the Middle East.

Quote of the Day. "I think NIMBYism is one of the greatest issues we are going to be tackling. But the reality is we can create a system which has a safety net for all those people and ends chronic homelessness, so nobody has to be on the streets for a year or longer." Jerry Neuman, co-chair of the Los Angeles Business Leaders Task Force on Homelessness, on a new program to find housing for the most entrenched street dwellers, then provide as much counseling and treatment as they will use. (Los Angeles Times)

Honor Roll: Senator Andrew Maynard and Republican Challenger Stuart Norman

by Duane Shank 11-01-2010

[Editor's Note: Welcome to Sojourner's Truth and Civility Election Watch Honor Roll. This post is part of a series of submissions from our constituents that highlight organizations and individuals engaging in positive, honest discourse.]

Churches and Elections: Do's and Don'ts

by Duane Shank 10-29-2010
In the last few weeks, as seems to happen every election year, both parties along with some pastors and churches are stretching (or

The latest news on Campaign Politics, Post-Election Politics, Foreclosures, D.C. Metro Bomb Plot, Military Troops Trauma, College Finanical Aid Increase, Indonesia Tsunami, Haiti Cholera Epidemic, Pakistan, Iran, Canadian Mining Bill Defeated, and Select

by Duane Shank 10-28-2010

Obama on the Daily Show. An appearance on "The Daily Show" offered President Obama little comic relief from the serious midterm election campaign, as he was peppered with tough questions rooted in whether he has lived up to the promise of his 2008 campaign.

Campaign Spending. The midterm numbers just keep piling up. In the latest sign of this year's record-breaking election season, an independent research group estimated Wednesday that candidates, parties, and outside interest groups together could spend up to $4 billion on the campaign.

U.S. Afghan Spending.The U.S. government spends billions of dollars helping Afghanistan rebuild but cannot easily show how the money was spent, a government watchdog says.

Quote of the Day. "This is what I feel. There's a lot of inequity. The rich are getting richer, and the middle class that has supported our country for so long has fallen apart. ... We need something that is accessible and reachable that we can grab onto. … I don't care what party line [politicians] stand on, just give us something to grasp onto.” Bonnie Murphy, Farmington Hills, Mich., with what she sees as the state of country, echoing the anxiety and fear felt by many. (Washington Post)

The latest news on Campaign funding and spending, Cholera-Haiti & Nigeria, Animal extinction, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Government spending, Arizona execution, Toxic Metals in Prisons, Equipment failure with nuclear missiles.

by Duane Shank 10-27-2010

Food stamps. The recession introduced millions of Americans to food stamps. Now, more than a year after the recession is officially said to have ended, more Americans than ever are on food stamps, and the trend is higher still.

Indonesia tsunami. Deaths caused by a tsunami in western Indonesia reach 272, officials say, as doubts emerge over whether an early warning system was working properly.

Afghanistan. An intense military campaign aimed at crippling the Taliban has so far failed to inflict more than fleeting setbacks on the insurgency or put meaningful pressure on its leaders to seek peace, according to U.S. military and intelligence officials citing the latest assessments of the war in Afghanistan.

The latest news on immigration reform, the US deficit, offshore drilling safety, the global food crisis, Afghanistan, Israel, Iranian nuclear production, China and Sudan.

by Duane Shank 10-26-2010

Campaign fundraising and spending. House and Senate candidates have already shattered fundraising records for a midterm election and are on their way to surpassing $2 billion in spending for the first time.

Haiti cholera epidemic. Tens of thousands of people in Haiti are still threatened by an outbreak of cholera despite some signs that the epidemic is stabilising.

Campaign politics. Two years after Republicans lost 21 seats in the House, the GOP is riding a wave of voter dissatisfaction — fueled by a down economy, unpopular Democratic policies and rising anger directed at Washington — that has put control of the chamber within the party's reach for the first time in four years.

The latest news on Campaign Politics, Climate Change and the Tea Party, Foreclosure Controversy, French Strike Protests, 'Green' Economic Future, Afghanistan, Iran, Israel, Palestine, and Select Op-Eds.

by Duane Shank 10-21-2010

Troops Discharged Over Combat Stress. The military has been discharging troops who are suffering from combat stress, instead of providing treatment, according to Missouri Sen. Christopher "Kit" Bond and several veterans advocates.

British Public Funding Cuts. Britain unveiled its most radical shake-up of public finances in decades, outlining a deficit-reduction program Wednesday that will scale back the size of government, cut welfare benefits, shrink the armed forces, tax banks and raise the legal retirement age.

U.S. Arms Sale to Saudi Arabia. The Defense Department has notified Congress that it wants to sell $60 billion worth of advanced aircraft and weapons to Saudi Arabia. The proposed sale, which includes helicopters, fighter jets, radar equipment and satellite-guided bombs, would be the largest arms deal to another country in U.S. history.”

Quote of the Day. “If I didn’t have those people back there, I would never have had anything to write about. That’s where I got all my stories from. My life is from them. … I’m going to do everything to keep up for them, in memory. That is my duty from now until I die.” Author Ernest J. Gaines explaining why he takes care of an old cemetery on the former plantation where five generations of his ancestors, going back to slavery, are buried. (New York Times)

The latest news on Campaign Politics, Foreclosure Controversy, Health Care, Cleaner Energy Initiative, Nuclear Weapons, Iran, Aghanistan, Iraq-Iran, Pakistan, West Bank Olive Harvest and Select Op-Eds.

by Duane Shank 10-19-2010

Chechen Militant Resistance. At least six people are dead and 10 injured after militants attack parliament in the Russian republic of Chechnya.

Education. D.C. public schools have started serving an early dinner to an estimated 10,000 students, many of whom are now receiving three meals a day from the system as it expands efforts to curb childhood hunger and poor nutrition.

French Pension Protests. Masked youths clashed with police officers and set fires in cities across France on Tuesday as protests against a proposed hike in the retirement took an increasingly radical turn.

Quote of the Day "There are a few of them who come in so broken and so sick that you're amazed that they're alive. They come to realize that it wasn't their fault that they were hurt. As that shame starts to come off, the confidence comes out." Nancy Chand, a deputy public defender who acts as the attorney for women in California’s Second Chance Women's Re-entry Court program, one of the first in the nation to focus on women facing a return to state prison for nonviolent felonies, who plead guilty to their crimes and enter treatment instead. (Los Angeles Times)

A Global Community Event

by Duane Shank 10-13-2010

The latest news on Campaign, Recession Continues, Deep Water Drilling Ban Lifted, Education, UN Security Council, French Workers Strike, Ahmadinejad in Lebanon, Israel-Palestine, and Select Op-Eds.

by Duane Shank 10-13-2010

Chilean Miners Rescued. The first 12 of 33 miners trapped underground for more than two months in northern Chile have been winched to the surface amid scenes of jubilation.

Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell. A federal judge ordered an immediate end Tuesday to the Pentagon's enforcement of its ban on openly gay service members, rejecting the Obama administration's argument that an injunction to stop the "don't ask, don't tell" policy might harm military readiness.”

Afghanistan. Six NATO troops were killed Wednesday, at least one in eastern Afghanistan in an insurgent attack and four others in a roadside bombing in the south.

Quote of the Day. “We ship large things, but I’ll say this is the first time that we have shipped cows.” Ronna Branch, a spokeswoman for UPS, on airlifting 162 cows from North Dakota to Kazakhstan, as that country tries to rebuild its livestock industry. (New York Times)

The latest news on Deep-Water Drilling, Campaign Finance, Immigration, Chile Mine Rescue, Afghanistan War, Mideast Peace Talks, Palestine-Activist Jailed, Immigrants-Europe, and Select Op-Eds.

by Duane Shank 10-12-2010

Quote of the Day. "For hatred is corrosive of a person's wisdom and conscience; the mentality of enmity can poison a nation's spirit, instigate brutal life-and-death struggles, destroy a society's tolerance and humanity. I hope therefore … to counter the hostility of the regime with the best of intentions, and defuse hate with love." Liu Xiaobo, a literature professor, essayist, and dissident, awarded the 2010 Nobel Peace Prize. (Los Angeles Times)

Campaign Politics. The tea party movement has evolved from a scattered insurgency into a sophisticated, organized effort. Its energy and enthusiasm about the midterm elections is helping Republicans.

Afghanistan Aid Worker Death. An examination of video footage documenting a failed attempt to rescue a kidnapped British aid worker shows that she may have been accidentally killed by a grenade thrown by U.S. Special Operations troops involved in the raid, according to U.S. and British officials.

Sudan. Shooting overnight by northern Sudan soldiers was an attempt to start clashes in the oil-rich region of Abyei, southern former rebels say.

The latest news on Free Speech vs. Privacy, City Budgets, Surburban Poverty, Food Stamos and Sodas, Green Jobs, Foreclosure Chaos, Dialogue, Haiti, Aghanistan, Apology to Pakistan, Pakistan Conflict, North Korea Nuclear Program, Iraq, Lebanon, China & Bra

by Duane Shank 10-07-2010

Guantanamo Witness. A federal judge barred prosecutors on Wednesday from using a crucial witness in the first trial of a former Guantánamo detainee, adding to the fierce debate over whether the government can successfully prosecute terrorist detainees in civilian court.

Deportations. The Obama administration announced Wednesday that in the past year it has deported a record number of unauthorized immigrants - more than 392,000, about half of whom were convicted criminals.

Global Hunger. UN food agencies said yesterday that 166 million people in 22 countries suffer chronic hunger or difficulty finding enough to eat as a result of what they called protracted food crises.

Quote of the Day. “This is something that can unite us. We have 11 different official languages but only one word for the wonderful institution of braai (barbecue): in Xhosa, English, Afrikaans, whatever." Desmond Tutu, September 2007 (BBC)

Blogging Religion

by Duane Shank 10-06-2010
As newspapers continue to shrink and reduce staff, too often the first to go are religion reporters.

The latest news on Election Polling, Tax Cuts, Immigration, Mine Safety, Financial Reform, Climate Change, NATO Fuels Convoys Attacked, Afghanistan, Mideast Peace Talks, Iraq, Recycling in Cairo, Haiti, Brazil Election, British Budget Cuts, and Select Op-

by Duane Shank 10-05-2010

Drones Kill Germans. A suspected US drone strike has killed eight fighters in northwest Pakistan, with Pakistani intelligence officials saying that at least five of them were Germans.

Transportation System Failing. The United States is saddled with a rapidly decaying and woefully underfunded transportation system that will undermine its status in the global economy unless Congress and the public embrace innovative reforms, a bipartisan panel of experts concludes in a report released Monday.

Haiti. Increasingly, property owners here are seeking to dislodge tent camps, saying they are tired of waiting for the government to resettle the people or for the people to resettle themselves.

Quote of the day. "When you're in Taybeh, you understand God's sense of humor." Maria Khoury, organizer of an Oktoberfest celebration in Taybeh, West Bank, to promote Palestinian culture and commerce amid the Israeli occupation and to draw attention to the Palestinian Christian minority (Los Angeles Times)

Americans Deeply Ignorant About Religion

by Duane Shank 09-30-2010
"The person whose writings and actions inspired the Protestant Reformation was Martin Luther, Thomas Aquinas or John Wesley?" Less than half (46 percent) of Americans know the answer is Luther, and

The latest news on Foreclosures, Tax Cuts, Consumer Protection, Immigration, Military Suicides, Child Trafficking, Executions Postponed, Baghdad Attacks, Iran, Israel-Palestine Talks, Britain-France Nukes, Trafficking, and Select Op-Eds.

by Duane Shank 09-30-2010

One nation rally. Liberal groups hoping to revive enthusiasm before November's midterm elections are encouraging their members to come to the Mall on Saturday for a rally that they expect to draw tens of thousands of people.

Pakistan. Authorities in Pakistan claimed that NATO helicopters fired on a Pakistani security post near the Afghan border Thursday and killed three of its soldiers, an accusation that is likely to inflame tensions between Washington and Islamabad following other NATO aircraft incursions in recent days.

Biodiversity. Despite about two decades of conferences, conventions and commitments, the earth’s biological diversity — or biodiversity for short — steadily erodes as ecosystems suffer and species die out.

Quote of the day. "This is completely unacceptable. Sacrilege would not be too strong a word. It's loot, taken violently and inappropriately in the first place. A tabot is a very holy object; no one can see it apart from priests. Westminster Abbey is one of the most visited sites in London. To have it on public display there is an offence to Orthodox Ethiopian Christians. For one Christian church to refuse to return it to another seems profoundly wrong.” Rev John McLuckie, a British priest, on Westminster Abbey’s refusal to return a tabot, a small tablet that symbolises the Ark of the Covenant, taken by British troops in the 19th century, to the Ethiopian Orthodox Church. (Guardian/Observer)

The latest news on D.C. Poverty, Senate Gridlock, Immigration, Campaigns, Corporate Rights, Gender Gap, Afghanistan Policy, Europe Terror Plot, Attacks in Pakistan, Pakistan Politics, Afghanistan, Israel-Palestine, British Labor Party, North Korea, Plant

by Duane Shank 09-29-2010

Quote of the day. "I do believe that we were wrong. Wrong to take Britain to war and we need to be honest about that. Wrong because that war was not a last resort, because we did not build sufficient alliances and because we undermined the United Nations.” Ed Miliband, new leader of the British Labor Party. (Guardian)

Census details. Americans will be barraged in the coming weeks with different statistics released by the U.S. Census Bureau, an ongoing data dump likely to confuse some waiting for decennial population numbers that help redraw Congressional districts.

Haiti. Nearly nine months after the earthquake, more than a million Haitians still live on the streets between piles of rubble. One reason: Not a cent of the $1.15 billion the United States promised for rebuilding has arrived.

Europe austerity protests. Thousands of protesters from across Europe are taking part in a mass demonstration in Brussels against spending cuts by some EU governments. Other protests against austerity measures are being held in Greece, Italy, Ireland and Latvia.

The latest news on Immigration, Military Training, the Economy, Afghanistan Policy, Iraq, Trafficking Victims-Ghana, German Conscription, Sudan, and Select Op-Eds.

by Duane Shank 09-28-2010

Campaign finance.A new political weapon known as the "super PAC" has emerged in recent weeks, allowing independent groups to both raise and spend money at a pace that threatens to eclipse the efforts of political parties.

Israel-Palestine. Israel’s decision this weekend to end its freeze on West Bank Jewish settlement construction sent diplomats on three continents scurrying on Monday to keep the Middle East peace talks alive.

Pakistan. The C.I.A has drastically increased its bombing campaign in the mountains of Pakistan in recent weeks, American officials said. The strikes are part of an effort by military and intelligence operatives to try to cripple the Taliban in a stronghold being used to plan attacks against American troops in Afghanistan.

Quote of the day. "You can look at the latest forms of life and the first evidence of life and all the way through the dinosaurs, all the way through the first emergence of hominids and our ancestors, right through to today. There's nowhere else in the world where you can find that," Andrea Leenen, head of the Paleontological Scientific Trust, a South Africa not-for-profit organization that sponsors paleontological research, on why South Africa is a “mecca for archaeologists.” (Los Angeles Times)

The latest news on Tax Cuts, Income Gap, Campaigns, Internet "wiretaps", Stimulus, One Nation Rally, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iran, Iraq, South Africa, and Venezuela.

by Duane Shank 09-27-2010

Congress. Congress is deadlocked over virtually every major issue still pending this year, including key economic matters such as a detailed federal spending plan and extending Bush-era tax cuts, yet lawmakers still hope to leave Washington by Friday and not return until mid-November.

Immigration. Immigrants suspected of being in the United States illegally are being held in a detention center in southwest Georgia for months at taxpayer expense, and others remain free on bond for years here amid a severe backlog in the nation’s immigration courts.

Isarael-Palestine. A 10-month moratorium on new housing construction in Israeli settlements in the West Bank expired at midnight Sunday, adding strain to already fragile Middle East peace talks.

Quote of the day. “A library is the heart of the community. I’m in favor of private enterprise, but I can’t feel comfortable with what the city is doing here.” Jane Hanson, an opponent of Santa Clarita CA’s move to privatize public libraries, one of a growing number of libraries to do so. (New York Times)