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The latest news on Healthcare Law, Tax Cuts, Immigration Law, Don't Ask, Don't Tell, China, Indonesia, Afghanistan, Burma, Climate Change, and Select Op-Eds.

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Quote of the Day. "I think NIMBYism is one of the greatest issues we are going to be tackling. But the reality is we can create a system which has a safety net for all those people and ends chronic homelessness, so nobody has to be on the streets for a year or longer." Jerry Neuman, co-chair of the Los Angeles Business Leaders Task Force on Homelessness, on a new program to find housing for the most entrenched street dwellers, then provide as much counseling and treatment as they will use. (Los Angeles Times)


Judge Blocks Oklahoma's Sharia Ban "U.S. Judge Vicki Miles-LaGrange issued the temporary restraining order days after the Oklahoma chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations filed a lawsuit."


Healthcare law. New GOP governors will steer health law "Republicans' consolidation of power in state capitols is likely to expand the number of states that employ a far more limited, free-market-oriented approach to implementing the nation's new health-care law than the robust regulatory model favored by its supporters." States, not Congress, can thwart healthcare law "Republican governors and legislatures, who are charged with carrying out crucial parts of the law, will be in a position to put pressure on the White House to scale back some plans, including the extension of government-subsidized health benefits to millions of uninsured Americans."

Tax cuts. Tax Cut Timing Is Proving Problematic for Democrats "When one party controls the White House and Congress, it controls the calendar for what gets done and when. So how is it that Democrats ended up in such a fix over what to do about the expiring Bush-era tax cuts?"

Immigration law. Voter ID, Arizona-style immigration law on Texas Legislature's 2011 agenda "Conservative lawmakers, empowered by last week's Republican election gains, introduced a host of bills Monday that include an Arizona-style crackdown on illegal immigration and the requirement of a photo ID to vote." N.M. governor-elect says 'no' to Ariz.-style immigration law "New Mexico's newly elected governor, Susana Martinez, said this weekend that she doesn't want an Arizona-style immigration law in her state."

Child trafficking arrests. FBI: 69 children, 99 pimps found in national bust "More than five dozen child prostitutes have been found in the last three days as part of a nationwide crackdown on the sexual exploitation of children, the FBI said Monday." Federal crackdown on child prostitution results in 884 arrests "A three-day federal crackdown on child prostitution rings across the country has resulted in the recovery of 69 children and the arrest of 884 persons, including 99 pimps, federal authorities said Monday."

Bush's memoirs. 'I could have done things better' "This isn't the George W. Bush who couldn't come up with an answer when he was asked during a 2004 White House news conference to name his biggest mistake. Almost two years after leaving office, the former president readily lists his mistakes. He recites a litany of errors in an interview and in his new book, Decision Points." Bush defends Iraq war, use of waterboarding "In his first major interview since leaving office, former president George W. Bush defended the most controversial aspects of his tenure - including the use of waterboarding against terrorism suspects and the invasion of Iraq." Bush memoirs reveal he considered attacks on Iran and Syria "Exclusive: Decision Points, released in the US, contains former president's thoughts on 9/11, Iraq, and his friendship with Tony Blair"

Don't Ask, Don't Tell. Repeal of 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' Faces Struggle in Congress "The repeal of the policy on gay service faces new uncertainties as time runs out for the Senate and strong objections remain among Republicans and senior ranks of the military."


China. Countering China, Obama Backs India for U.N. Council "By endorsing India for a permanent seat on the United Nations Security Council, President Obama on Monday signaled the United States' intention to create a deeper partnership of the world's two largest democracies that would expand commercial ties and check the influence of an increasingly assertive China." China ready for consultation with India over UNSC reform "Sounding positive to US President Barack Obama's endorsement of India's bid for permanent seat in the UNSC, China today said it understands New Delhi's "aspirations" to play a bigger role in the UN and is ready for consultations with it over reform of the world body."

Indonesia. US and Indonesia seal partnership "The US and Indonesia are to expand co-operation on economic issues, security and climate change, the presidents of both countries have said." An opportunity to reconnect in Indonesia "During its two-year wait for a visit from President Obama, Indonesia found other ways to celebrate the country's most famous former resident." Obama Visits a Nation That Knew Him as Barry "During his visit to Jakarta on Tuesday, President Obama, who spent part of his boyhood in Indonesia, will find a country that has changed in many ways." Volcano likely to shorten Obama's visit to Indonesia "President Obama will probably cut short his one-day Indonesia visit because volcanic ash is complicating air travel in the region."

Afghanistan. Milestone in training Afghan forces "The program to train Afghan security forces has been transformed over the past year, but a shortfall of about 1,000 NATO trainers, as well as a high dropout rate in some police units, continues to hinder their development, U.S. and Afghan officials said Monday." Canada ponders plan to keep nearly 1,000 troops in Afghanistan "The Harper government is considering keeping almost 1,000 troops in Afghanistan in a post-2011 training mission after the White House mounted a concerted campaign to convince allies to rethink plans to leave." For Afghan Wives, a Desperate, Fiery Way Out "Even the poorest families in Afghanistan have matches and cooking fuel. The combination usually sustains life. But it also can be the makings of a horrifying escape: from poverty, from forced marriages, from the abuse and despondency that can be the fate of Afghan women."

Israel. Israel Plans 1,000 Housing Units in East Jerusalem "The plan comes as the United States attempts to renew a freeze in settlement construction and get stalled peace negotiations back on track." Israel permits new settlement homes "Interior ministry gives go-ahead for construction of more than a thousand new settler homes in occupied East Jerusalem." Obama: East Jerusalem building plans 'unhelpful' to peace efforts "U.S. President Barack Obama cautioned Tuesday that Israel's plan to construct 1,300 new homes in East Jerusalem could obstruct the pursuit of peace in the Middle East."

Burma. Burmese election won by military-backed party "Opposition parties concede defeat to USDP but accuse junta of fraud as Barack Obama says election was stolen" Myanmar parties concede poll defeat "Junta-backed party says it has 80 per cent of seats, while 20,000 people flee fighting on the border with Thailand."

Climate Change. A Novel Tactic in Climate Fight Gains Some Traction "Some policy experts are trying to use a highly successful international treaty that was ratified more than 20 years ago as a tool to curb climate change." New energy: climate change and sustainability shape a new era "A new energy revolution

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