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The latest news on Campaign, Recession Continues, Deep Water Drilling Ban Lifted, Education, UN Security Council, French Workers Strike, Ahmadinejad in Lebanon, Israel-Palestine, and Select Op-Eds.

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Quote of the day. "We ship large things, but I'll say this is the first time that we have shipped cows." Ronna Branch, a spokeswoman for UPS, on airlifting 162 cows from North Dakota to Kazakhstan, as that country tries to rebuild its livestock industry. (New York Times)


Leader: Rise of Hispanic evangelicals influencing immigration debate "The immigration debate has drawn Latinos into the public square more fully than ever before -- and Hispanic Protestants in particular -- Gabriel Salguero, a noted Latino evangelical author and thinker, recently told an audience at Mercer University."

Ecumenical Sudanese Delegation Meets with U.N. Chief to Raise Alarm "An ecumenical delegation of Sudanese religious leaders met with U.N. officials and Secretary General Ban Ki-moon on Monday to express concern over what might happen if the critical upcoming referendum in South Sudan is not carried out as planned."

Clergy join to fight housing law repeal "Christian, Jewish, and Muslim clergy gathered yesterday at Trinity Church in Copley Square to urge Massachusetts residents to vote no on Question 2, which would repeal the state's affordable housing law."

Church revives Social Gospel in Walter Rauschenbush's neighborhood "Metro Baptist Church in New York is neither very big nor housed in a very impressive facility. But the small, scrappy worshiping community and its associated ministry center have an impact far beyond its gritty urban sanctuary in the Hell's Kitchen neighborhood."

Behind Colbert's Right-wing Funny Man, a Quiet Faith "Colbert has said that he attends church, observes Lent and teaches Sunday school. "I love my church, and I'm a Catholic who was raised by intellectuals, who were very devout," he told Time Out magazine. "I was raised to believe that you could question the church and still be a Catholic."


Chilean miners rescued. Joy as Chile miners reach surface "The first 12 of 33 miners trapped underground for more than two months in northern Chile have been winched to the surface amid scenes of jubilation." Colleagues Trapped Underground Await Turn in Capsule "With anxious anticipation increasingly yielding to exuberant celebration, the haggard men trapped under a half-mile of rock for more than two months have been emerging to the arms of their families and an electrified nation." Chief engineer knew it would take a miracle "Mauricio Pino was working late that night in early August when he got the phone call: "There's been an accident at the San Jose mine."


Don't ask, don't tell. Judge ends military's 'don't ask' ban on gays "A federal judge ordered an immediate end Tuesday to the Pentagon's enforcement of its ban on openly gay service members, rejecting the Obama administration's argument that an injunction to stop the "don't ask, don't tell" policy might harm military readiness." Judge Orders U.S. Military to Stop 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' "Judge Virginia A. Phillips of Federal District Court for the Central District of California issued an injunction banning enforcement of the law and ordered the military to immediately "suspend and discontinue" any investigations or proceedings to dismiss service members."

Campaign. Campaign finance reform: R.I.P? "Never in modern political history has there been so much secret money gushing into an American election. By Election Day, independent groups will have aired more than $200 million worth of campaign ads using cash that can't be traced back to its original source, predicts Fred Wertheimer, president of the non-profit group Democracy 21." In a 'tea party' year, a brew of gaffes, groans "On the spectrum of political mistakes, being photographed in a Nazi uniform may top the list." Politicians', staffers' gaffes put on replay "The 2010 midterm elections have given new meaning to the age-old warning: What you say could come back to haunt you."

Recession continues. Census shows big income drop in fast-growing areas "Call it the migration bust: Many of the fast-growing US areas during the housing boom are now yielding some of the biggest income drops in the economic downturn." The great American mortgage crisis deepens "Just when you thought the US housing market, epicentre of the earthquake that collapsed the world's financial system two years ago, had stopped causing us all problems, it is time to pay attention again." Across the U.S., Long Recovery Looks Like Recession "Less than a month before November elections, the United States is mired in a grim New Normal that could last for years.