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If I rocket on mad subways / between south Bronx and lower east Manhattan ...
The Trouble with Our State
The trouble with our state
was not civil disobedience
which in any case was hesitant and rare.
Ghosts Of Hopes Deferred And Politics Debased
In recent months the centuries-old Irish struggle against British rule has reached one of its periodic peaks of intensity, spurred by the deaths of hunger-striking Irish Republican Army (IRA)
An Inkling Of A Life Being Snuffed Out
I reject the notion of those who say that abortion is only a woman's issue...Such a view is parallel to saying that war is a man's problem, or that capital punishment is a legal problem, or the poor are an economic problem
Strengthen All Feeble Arms, Steady All Tottering Knees
An interview with Liz McAllister, Dan Berrigan and Phil Berrigan.
No and Yes and the Whole Damn Thing
What is the point in saying no, what is the point in not saying no? The questions make sense as long as there is a point toward which the questions are moving.