Pope Francis: Rescinding DACA Is Not ‘Pro-Life’ | Sojourners

Pope Francis: Rescinding DACA Is Not ‘Pro-Life’

Image via Shutterstock.com/Martin Podzorny 

Pope Francis suggested that rescinding DACA would be inconsistent with pro-life views, in a news conference Sept. 10.

"The President of the United States presents himself as pro-life and if he is a good pro-lifer, he understands that family is the cradle of life and its unity must be protected," Francis said, reports CNN.

Concern over the president’s position on immigration is not new for Pope Francis.

According to CNN:

Trump and the Pope have tussled over immigration before, with the Pope saying last year that anyone who thinks only of building walls instead of bridges is "not Christian."

Trump fired back, saying that no religious leader should question another man's faith.

The US Catholic bishops have also battled a former Trump administration official on DACA in recent days.

The pope expressed hope that DACA will be preserved in some form.

"I think this law comes not from parliament but from the executive," the pope said. "If that is so, I am hopeful that it will be re-thought."

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