Merriam-Webster Names 'Justice' Top Word of 2018 | Sojourners

Merriam-Webster Names 'Justice' Top Word of 2018

“Justice” was on people’s hearts, minds, and search histories this year. The word was named Merriam-Webster’s "Word of the Year" for 2018 after being consulted by users 74 percent more than in 2017.

With definitions carrying technical, legal, lofty and philosophical meanings, the word “justice” permeated the national discussion in 2018.

Merriam-Webster wrote in a tweet announcing the selection of the word:

While justice may be Merriam-Webster’s top word this year, for many Christians, the word's selection signals a continued commitment to the fight for the marginalized — with the hope of bringing everyone into full belovedness.

The Evangelical Lutheran Church of America tweeted their support for the selection:

Read the full list of Merriam-Webster’s top words of 2018 here.