Dispatches from Aleppo: 'All the World Let Us Down' | Sojourners

Dispatches from Aleppo: 'All the World Let Us Down'

On Dec. 14 buses that were meant to evacuate citizens and rebel fighters out of Aleppo, Syria, after a raid and massacre by the Syrian government, left — empty, reports the New York Times. Gunfire has been heard by people who are still in the city, and it is believed that a ceasefire established on Dec. 13 — between the regime of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and rebel fighters — has dissolved.

In an interview with NBC News, Ismail Alabdullah, a member of the White Helmets, spoke about the world’s abandonment of Aleppo. "The White Helmets" is a nickname for the Syria Civil Defense, an organization of more than 2,500 volunteer workers who strive to rescue and care for anyone wounded in the violence of Syria, even if they are aligned with Assad’s regime.

“All the world let us down, even they can’t protect our volunteers or protect the citizens, so we can’t carry out our missions,” said Alabdullah.

He continued:

“We’re not scared of bombing anyone, all we’re scared of is Assad’s forces more than ever. Me and everyone, even the white helmets.”

On Dec. 13 the United Nations’ human rights office announced that they received reports from Syria of forces in support of Assad’s regime killing altogether at least 82 people, thirteen of whom are believed to be children.

UNICEF also stated that several children, “possibly more than 100,” were trapped in a building under attack in Aleppo.

Read more here.