The rioting that erupted in Baltimore on Monday marked an escalation of the racial turmoil that has flared across the US in recent months following the killings of unarmed black men by white police officers.
Source: | Alec Hogg
Source: Huffington Post | Martin Marty
If we want to understand and do justice to important things in our world, we have to notice the "soft ideas" which face our hard and harsh realities.
Source: Non-Profit Quarterly | Rick Cohen
If it is simply a matter of forgiving, perhaps better stated as reconciliation, that still leaves the question of the kind of “just world” people are trying to develop—or ought to develop.
Source: Spectrum | Charles Scriven
Bell now says that he doesn’t think God “exists.” Brown has published a book that is, in substantial part, a response to his friend’s experience.
Source: Religion News Service | Heather Adams
The World Bank is teaming up with global religious leaders in a 15-year effort to end extreme poverty by 2030.
Source: Lebanon Daily News
Rose Berger, senior associate editor of Sojourners magazine, will give the keynote address at Lebanon Valley College's baccalaureate service.
Source: Huffington Post | Jim Wallis
More than 50 Christian leaders voiced our support for the framework of a Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action between Iran and the P5+1 nations (the United States, the United Kingdom, France, Russia, China, and Germany) concerning Iran's nuclear program.
Source: Fars News Agency
Over 50 Christian leaders voiced their support for the recently agreed framework of a Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action between Iran and the Group 5+1.
Source: Think Progress | Jack Jenkins
A sweeping coalition of Catholic leaders is calling on lawmakers to embrace Obama’s proposed deal with Iran to scale back the country’s nuclear program, insisting the plan is a good one and asking Congress to back off attempts to kill the agreement.
Source: National Catholic Reporter | Brian Roewe, Soli Salgado
Nearly 400 Catholic and evangelical leaders said the occasion of Holy Week prompted them to "speak out with renewed urgency against the death penalty."
Source: Religion News Service | David Gibson
U.S. Catholic bishops have welcomed the Obama administration’s tentative agreement aimed at limiting Iran’s nuclear ambitions.
Source: Baptist News Global | Bob Allen
Four dozen Christian leaders voiced support for a framework agreement for a peaceful path to prevent Iran from building nuclear weapons in a full-page ad in Roll Call paid for by Sojourners, a Washington-based social justice ministry founded and led by author and public theologian Jim Wallis.
Source: The Concord Monitor | Robert Azzi
Iranian, American; Muslim, Jew, Christian; Shiite, Sunni; Black, White. Only in relationship with the other are we free.
Source: Catholic News Service | Dennis Sadowski
The World Bank and global faith leaders are joining together to end extreme poverty around the world by 2030.
Source: Washington Post (Acts of Faith) | Lisa Sharon Harper
Religious leaders have proven to be powerful voices within a larger conversation about “Black Lives Matter,” a conversation that opened up once again this week after the death of a man in North Carolina.
Source: Huffington Post | Jim Wallis
Patience, persistence, and wisdom are now required of us all. It's a season of hope. It's time for a choice to "hope but verify."
Source: Christian Today | Carey Lodge
President Obama yesterday acknowledged that he often "falls short" of Jesus, but said he prays that he would be able to live up to his example of loving those who are marginalised and persecuted.
Source: Baha'i World News Service | Bani Dugal
A group of diverse religious leaders has issued a statement showing "moral consensus" for a World Bank-initiated effort to end extreme poverty in 15 years.
Source: Religion News Service | Adelle Banks
President Obama turned both personal and preachy Tuesday (April 7) during his annual Easter Prayer Breakfast, which he has hosted at the White House six times since he was elected.
Source: Catholic News Service | Patricia Zapor
President Barack Obama observed that the celebration of Easter puts other concerns into context.