Sightings will never lack subject-matter. Each week the media provide a plethora of options which might inspire comment. Usually these relate to hard news, as in "religion and...ISIS, the scrimmaging before the 2016 election, 'cops' anywhere, Bruce Jenner in transition, etc. etc."
What we often notice is that the maw, the stuff, the material which inspires human action in the "hard news" on which commentators lean, gets neglected. Now and then we do stop to notice some of this "soft news," which surfaces in explicitly religious comment and, shall we call it, "theology," which is what it is.
A sojourning and televising team from evangelical-activist Sojourners dropped by the other day and left their new book Forgive Us: Confessions of a Compromised Faith, by four accusing, "penitent," and, in the end, grace-full authors. After scourging Americans, including Christians and, among them, Evangelicals, the four writers conclude: "The reality of sin points toward the necessity of grace."
That's theological language in the public square by veterans who act and comment there.