Source: | D. Andrew Kille
On Thursday, April 9, there will be an unusual opportunity for members of the community to learn about the Parliament of the World's Religions.
Source: The Fiji Times Online | Father Kevin J Barr
The stark reality is that Jesus was killed because of what he said and did.
Source: Huffington Post | Jim Wallis
Despite religious differences, whether discrimination against gay and lesbian people in the public square is legitimate should be answered with a resounding "no."
Source: Christian Today | Mark Yapching
A critic of prominent preacher Franklin Graham denied that she and other co-authors of an open letter had advocated public disobedience against the police.
Source: Christian Today | Mark Woods
Nearly 400 Church leaders and theologians have released a statement calling for the end of the death penalty, timed to coincide with Holy Week.
Source: Religion News Service | Heather Adams
More than 400 Catholic and evangelical leaders are using Jesus’ state-sanctioned execution to call for an end to the death penalty.
Source: The Berkshire Eagle | H. Richard Noble
Muslims worship the same God as Christians and Jews. While complete theological agreement is not possible, Christians and Jews and Muslims can come to a better mutual understanding.
Source: Charlotte Observer | Kay McSpadden
The Belhar Confession calls on people of faith to stop demonizing the poor and to stand with them in unity instead.
Source: Christian Post | Lisa Sharon Harper
We recognize that there are times when disobedience and resistance to unjust authority is right, just, and biblical.
Source: Church Times | Madeleine Davies
THE "crude, insensitive, and paternalistic" comments made by Franklin Graham about police shootings, have been condemned by Evangelical leaders.
Source: Think Christian | Jim Wallis
Our Christian faith compels us to struggle for a more humane immigration system as a moral imperative.
Source: The Washington Post blog | Greg Sargent
One basic fact about immigration reform that continues to get lost in the noise is that evangelical Christians support it.
Source: Leadership Journal (blog) | Paul Wilkinson
The Divide Over Franklin Graham's Facebook Comment
Source: Harvard Divinity Bulletin | Eboo Patel
In a highly religiously diverse and devout society, positive relationships among people who orient around religion differently are absolutely necessary.
Source: The Blaze | Billy Hallowell
Some faith leaders are pushing back against famed evangelist Franklin Graham after he wrote a Facebook post addressed to “blacks, whites, Latinos, and everybody else,”
Source: 94.7 KRKS Denver | Carrie Dedrick
Franklin Graham is facing criticism after he wrote a Facebook that went viral in which he told “blacks, whites, Latinos, and everybody else” that “most police shootings can be avoided” with “respect for authority.”
Source: St. Louis Post-Dispatch Blog | Lilly Fowler
Graham's Facebook comment has created a division within the evangelical Christian community.
Source: Global Dispatch | Kaye Wonderhouse
A group of church leaders, led by Jim Wallis, Lisa Sharon Harper, have written an open letter to Franklin Graham, criticizing his Facebook comments last week about the killing of young black men by police as Graham called for respecting authority.
Source: Duluth News Tribune (Minnesota) | Melanie Grune, Diane Desotelle, Sally Munger
We have nothing to lose and everything to gain by acting on climate change now.
Source: Christianity Today blog | Bob Smietana
Obeying the police doesn’t heal the long history of distrust and broken relationships between police and minority groups, especially in urban neighborhoods, Smith said.