Source: Christian Today | Mark Woods
A group of church leaders have written an open letter to Franklin Graham, criticising his Facebook comments last week about the killing of young black men by police, and are gathering signatories.
Source: Albany Democrat-Herald | Donald Rea
There are folks who will stand up in peaceful demonstration against ISIS, and to support the ideal of Islam that it stands for peace.
Source: Christian Post | Lisa Sharon Harper
An Open Letter to Reverend Franklin Graham
Source: The Washington Post | Sarah Pulliam Bailey
Butler is looking for ways to infuse some of what has made evangelicalism thrive into a more progressive form of Protestantism, two forms of Christianity usually seen at odds with one another.
Source: Liberal America | Beth Still
According to Graham, if the guys would just do as the cops say and put their hands up, or behind their backs, or wherever the cops tell them to put them, everything would be fine.
Source: Campaign for America's Future | Terrance Heath
The Republican-led House Budget Committee’s fiscal 2016 budget proposal is full of immoral choices that will have devastating effects on the most vulnerable Americans.
Source: The Christian Century | Grant Wacker
This valuable anthology addresses a topic that usually flies under the media’s radar: “new” evangelicals’ progressive social engagement in the past quarter century.
Source: Christian Post | Jim Wallis
Dear Franklin, The real issue here goes much deeper than obedience to the police or lack thereof.
Source: Fresno Bee | Ron Orozco
Lisa Sharon Harper, an artist, playwright and director of mobilizing at Sojourners, will be the main presenter at Fresno City Summit 2015 on March 20-21 at Cornerstone Church, 1545 Fulton St.
Source: Huffington Post | Jim Wallis
My question became: What bridge we will now have to cross?
Source: Huffington Post | Jim Wallis
This is not a post-racial America, especially in regard to our policing and criminal justice systems. Ferguson has become a teaching parable for the nation.
Source: Huffington Post | Carol Kuruvilla
Standing outside the prison that night, Tragesser couldn't see it as anything but an act of God.
Source: Huffington Post | Carole Ganim
We agonize over the hatred and blind zealotry of the terrorists. But how can we match them?
Source: Mennonite World Review | Micah Bales
We are called to speak loving truth in the face of the hatred of ISIS, O’Reilly, and all the other murderers and false prophets who seek to confuse, divide and destroy God’s people.
Theologians from various traditions have joined together in an effort to gain clemency for death row inmate—and fellow theologian—Kelly Gissendaner.
Source: Deseret News | Kelsey Dallas
The impending execution of Georgia death-row inmate Kelly Gissendaner has an international audience.
Source: Christianity Today - Her.meneutics | Ebony Adedayo
In a nation still plagued with injustice, we remember history so we can move forward.
Source: Huffington Post | Jim Wallis
As a theologian and pastor, I want to say that ISIS is evil.
Source: Daily Kos | Margaret Benefiel
Like budget decisions, climate decisions are moral decisions. Decisions that impact the environment reveal our moral commitments.
Source: Changing America | Maria Teresa Kumar
Jim Wallis talks about the growing generation divide on immigration and why discomfort with changing demographics is the obstacle to passing comprehensive immigration reform.