political science

Mark Lotwis 1-25-2011
I have encouraging news from South Sudan, and I have troubling news from Darfur. Let's start with the South:

Anna Brown 12-30-2010

On December 13, a Tacoma-based jury declared five Disarm Trident Now Plowshares activists "guilty" of trespass, felony damage to federal property, felony injury to property, and felony conspiracy to damage property.

Julie Clawson 6-23-2009

I have been doing my best to keep up with the ongoing events in Iran. I don't know enough to truly understand the nuances of the election or the political science behind it all, but like many others, I've been caught up in the human drama of it all. Photos like this one literally brought tears to me eyes.

Jim Wallis 2-24-2009
Sunday, I preached from the old pulpit of William Sloane Coffin at Yale University.