
Anne Marie Roderich 10-11-2011

As Christians we have a decision to make. In times of hopelessness and long periods of waiting for things to get better, will we let ourselves be cast into the all-consuming fires of idolatry?

Or, will we stand up against the false gods and catch the flame of the Spirit in our hearts and minds?

Our nation may very well be on the threshold of a crucial change. Who will you be standing with?

As we waste time fanning capitalism's raging inferno, the best parts of ourselves remain frozen.

Jimmy McCarty 11-24-2008

A family's pro-Obama banner was wrapped around a cross and burned in their front yard. According to Associated Press writer Jesse Washington, after Obama's election incidents of race based hate crimes escalated across the country. I guess, no matter the rhetoric of some commentators, we really aren't living in a post-racial country.

Eugene Cho 9-24-2008
This is hard to read. Hard to swallow. Hard to understand ...