
Jim Rice 10-04-2010

Ever since Peter and Paul had opposing views about ministry to the Gentiles, there have been divisions in the Christian church. But rarely in the course of church history have differences among Christians been so exploited and manipulated for political gain by those outside the church as is the case today.

Debra Dean Murphy 5-26-2010
We live in an increasingly partisan world. This is not news. But it's the news "business," in many ways, that has made it so.

Jim Wallis 4-14-2010
This post was written in response to the Washington Post On Faith question of th
When a Fox News pundit who has helped force the resignation of White House advisers is promising he'll be http://blog.sojo.net/2010/03/15/in-spite-of-glenn-becks-new-threats-my-i...