
Julie Clawson 9-21-2010
Should you not walk in the fear of our God?

Efrem Smith 9-17-2010
I recently spoke to a pastor who made his case for not supporting women as senior pastors. "I've asked many men this question," he said.
Jim Wallis 9-17-2010
Just a few years ago, I remember how often people would be surprised when I told them that one in six children lived in poverty in America.
Aaron Taylor 9-16-2010
I've been getting into trouble lately.
Duane Shank 9-10-2010
Among all the responses to the planned (but now canceled) burning copies of the Quran on Saturday by a church in Florida, the Massachusetts Bibl
Ernesto Tinajero 8-26-2010
It took more than 70 years of blood, work, and persistence, but the movement prevailed and on August 18, 1920, women were given the right to both vote and run for office.
LaVonne Neff 8-23-2010
Here's an idea for people who are unhappy about having an Islamic Center near the site of the World Trade Center, especially if those people are Bible-believing Christians and/or defenders of the U
Like many others who are currently unemployed or partially employed, this seminary graduate finds herself with unexpected time on her hands.
Eugene Cho 8-12-2010
Several years ago, I spent several hours/week doing research (and meeting with other pastors) about pastoral health and vitality for my denomination.

Brian McLaren 8-10-2010
We need a clean energy conversion.

Julie Clawson 8-05-2010
As a writer with a public blog, I've become used to getting hate emails. Sure, some people might leave offensive comments on a blog, but the real vitriol gets reserved for emails.
Melvin Bray 8-04-2010
One day I'd love to understand why conservatives seem so good at public relations, while liberals, at ridicule.
David Vasquez 8-03-2010
Abraham and Sarah left all that was familiar and dear to them to follow the promise of a better future.
Throughout the Bible, we see stories of immigrants -- people called to settle in new lands and begin new lives for a variety
Nadia Bolz-Weber 7-20-2010
From what I hear, if you are taking a trip to the Holy Land you can visit the actual road from Jerusalem to modern-day Jericho, and local tour guides are happy, for the right price, to show you the
Jim Wallis 7-15-2010
It was a nice invitation, not unlike many I've received before.
Julie Clawson 6-21-2010
One of the joys of vacation Bible school (VBS) is watching what the kids take away from the week.
Nadia Bolz-Weber 6-09-2010
Hans Peterson, a good friend of mine, died two months ago in a work-related accident.

In “God’s Two Books” (February 2010), Joel Hunter says: “Remind me again: Why are we afraid of the facts of evolution, instead of drawn to the picture God paints with them?&