Voice of the Day: Naim Ateek | Sojourners

Voice of the Day: Naim Ateek

The Church should proclaim its concept of God, as it has come to know God through Christ, to all people in society, including Muslims and Jews. This should be done unashamedly and uncompromisingly. The Church should insist on what God is really like - not in a spirit of superiority or condescension, but in humility and love. The Church must be conscious of its own failure in not living up to the responsibility of the knowledge of God that it has been given. It has not attained perfection, but still seeks a deeper understanding of God in Christ. It is not so much the Church that possesses the truth; rather, the truth in Christ has possessed the Church.

- Naim Ateek
from Justice, and Only Justice: A Palestinian Theology of Liberation

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