After Glenn Beck said "social justice is a perversion of the gospel" and a "code" for Marxism, communism, and Nazism, I invited him to a public dialogue to discuss the true meaning of social justice, which I said was at the heart of the gospel and integral to biblical faith.
In response, Beck promised on his radio show that "the hammer" would be coming down on me and my organization, and that he would devote a week of his television show to bringing me down. I took that as a "no" to dialogue.
But I would still like to have this discussion with Beck. Since he has attacked the whole concept of "social justice," I think it would be a great opportunity to have a serious public conversation about what biblical social justice really means. But since he has so far refused to have that conversation, I have decided to go ahead with it anyway -- even without him -- with the hope that he will eventually join the discussion. In the meantime, let me take some of the things he has recently said about social justice and begin to respond to him. And I hope he will take this as an open and standing invitation to a civil and moral dialogue with him about the topic of social justice. This is a challenge to Glenn Beck to have a real and honest two-way public discussion.
So Glenn
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