My Three Hopes for Obama | Sojourners

My Three Hopes for Obama

Dear Mr. President,

You have my active and prayerful support. In addition, I am hoping you will:

  1. Love your family first. Before taking care of the country, please be an example to us all by being devoted to your family.
  2. Keep Jesus in mind as you shift our sense of public morality, as you set the tone for public discourse, as you choose the various leaders to carry out the vision, and as you prioritize the issues that will have the most significant benefit to the widest possible sector of humanity.
  3. Spend the next four years winning the country with the same fervor it took to win the election. It might be advisable to continue a variation of the organization it took to inform and recruit the general population's participation to win the election. We want to be a part of building a better future. Help us build coalitions. Challenge us to serve and make a way for us to participate in fulfilling the vision you have set before us.

We are standing with you.

Dr. Joel Hunter is senior pastor of Northland Church, a megachurch in the Orlando area, a board member of the National Association of Evangelicals, and a guest lecturer in practical theology at Reformed Theological Seminary, Orlando.