A Spirit of Collaboration
Sojourners augments our mobilizing work with a continued focus on leadership development, in-person and online convening, and building alliances with partners whose strength lies more in community organizing. We collaborate across faith communities to host productive conversations, strategize impact-oriented outcomes, create consistent messaging, and exercise leadership in coalitions.
Major partnerships include work with Howard University School of Divinity on the Theology and Racialized Policing online course, Fuller Centro Latino on an immigration advocacy program, Bread for the World and other partners in the Circle of Protection, a coalition to uplift food security, Micah Global, and The Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights.

Faiths United to Save Democracy
Defending democratic norms leads to religious freedom, social stability, and the ability of the many to guide direction for their lives while protecting the rights of the minority. Faiths United to Protect Democracy is a nonpartisan, multi-racial, multi-faith, and multi-generation voter protection campaign. It is rooted in the belief that everyone is made in the image of God and everyone deserves the freedom to vote.

Civic Discipleship
Civic discipleship explores a faith-rooted approach to effective and respectful Christian engagement in politics and our civic life. This program is grounded in an understanding across all traditions and denominations that following Christ has profound social, political, and economic implications. We believe Christians have important contributions to make for the betterment of our society. We also believe that Christian supremacy, Christian nationalism, and other forms of religious theocracy undermine democratic values and therefore religious pluralism and freedom.