Kendra Weddle, Ph.D., currently serves as scholar-in-residence at Northaven United Methodist Church in Dallas. She is coauthor with Jann Aldredge-Clanton of a new book of hymns and worship resources entitled Healing Streams: Inclusive Songs, Prayers, and Readings for All Ages (to be released early 2025). Kendra's website is kendraweddle.com.
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Christian Feminist Letha Dawson Scanzoni Taught Me To Be Friends With God
Born in Pittsburg on Oct. 9, 1935, Letha was an independent scholar, writer, editor, and writing consultant who specialized in the intersections of religion and social issues. She passed away on Jan. 9, 2024, at a nursing facility in Charlotte, N.C. She was 88.
Her primary metaphor for God was that of a loving friend. She understood Jesus to be the perfect embodiment of the friendship that God offered. For her, this meant that just like a friend changes their likes, activities, and interests due to the growth of a relationship, God also changes because of God’s friendship with us. In any true and deep friendship, both of the friends, as well as the relationship itself, will necessarily shift and adapt. Nothing can stay the same because deep caring calls for responsiveness. “To think God doesn’t change,” Letha said, “doesn’t account for God to have empathy and compassion for us.” She wasn’t striving to put a particular branch of theology into practice, she just trusted her experience.
Balancing Vigilance and Wellbeing in an Age of Heightened Political Anxiety
Numerous reports, including Dana Milbank’s “President Trump actually is making us crazy,” have pointed out that since the 2016 election there has been an increase in mental health challenges including depression, stress, grief, anxiety, and sadness.