Weekly Wrap 7.12.19: The 10 Best Stories You Missed This Week | Sojourners

Weekly Wrap 7.12.19: The 10 Best Stories You Missed This Week

1. When Your Sexual Harassers Sit in Your Pews

"When I heard that Rev. Butler was appointed the first woman pastor of Riverside, I thought she broke the stained-glass ceiling. Instead, the church threw her off the stained-glass cliff."

2. Megan Rapinoe on Protesting

"Protest is not comfortable, ever. It's going to make people uncomfortable. It's going to force people to look inwards and question everything they thought that they knew. It's not convenient. It doesn't feel good, really for anyone."

3. Faith Leaders Issue Emphatic 'No' to War with Iran

“American church leaders are saying a clear and emphatic NO to a war with Iran. Diplomacy is the alternative to what would be a disastrous and indefensible war.”

4. Buddhists Go to Battle: When Nationalism Overrides Pacifism

A call to arms for Sri Lankan monks. Ethnic cleansing of the Rohingya in Myanmar. A Buddhist faith known for pacifism is taking its place in a new age of nationalism.

5. A Pastor Who Was Put On A Watch List After Working With Immigrants Is Suing The US

The Rev. Kaji Douša said her First Amendment rights were violated after she was surveilled and questioned by the government for her work.

6. The Boy Who Came Back From Heaven Changed Christian Publishing Forever

The cover calls the book “a true story.” But the boy himself now says it was not true at all.

7. The Best Soccer Team in U.S. History Wants Justice

“This USWNT wants the cake. They want to sip tea after defeating England in the semifinals. They want to spray champagne in the locker room after becoming the repeat champs. And they want equal pay for equal play.”

8. Raising a Progressive Hindu Voice to Counter Indian Modi's Increasing Power

Sunita Vishwanath founded Sadhana in 2011 to counter those in India and abroad who she believes are co-opting Hinduism for political gain.

9. Christians Struggle with Persecution in Northern Nigeria

"In the summer of 2014, Boko Haram insurgents attacked Gwoza, home to the most populated Christian settlements in northeast Nigeria."

10. The Emerging Latinx Political Moment

"While Castro and Ocasio-Cortez are not political facsimiles, they are offering policies informed by the experiences of their communities. All of these efforts show a community that is confident about their position and belonging in the nation, even and maybe because of, the fact that they’re being targeted."

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