Weekly Wrap 3.23.18: The 10 Best Stories You Missed This Week | Sojourners

Weekly Wrap 3.23.18: The 10 Best Stories You Missed This Week

1. What Is the Church’s Responsibility in a Constitutional Crisis?
Historically, the church has stepped in to offer a word on what the tenets of Christian faith look like in troubled times.

2. What Would a World Designed By Women Look Like?
For thousands of years the profession of architecture has been male-dominated — and a close look at our structures makes that clear. But now more than 40 percent of architecture school graduates are women. What does that mean for the future of design?

3. YouTube Bans Firearms Demo Videos, Entering the Gun Control Debate
“YouTube will ban videos that promote or link to websites selling firearms and accessories, including bump stocks, which allow a semi-automatic rifle to fire faster. Additionally, YouTube said it will prohibit videos with instructions on how to assemble firearms.”

4. ‘Marielle, Presente!’ Becomes a Rallying Cry in the Global Fight Against Racism
Marielle Franco, a city councilwoman and one of Brazil’s most vocal human rights activists, was assassinated in Rio de Janeiro last week, sparking international outrage. “Her message was bold, yet simple and one that echoes the global fight against racism and oppression. Our lives are not disposable. Our issues cannot be ignored. Our existence cannot be extinguished. I am here. We are here. Black lives matter.”

5. Fifteen Years Ago, America Destroyed My Country
From The New York Times: “The invasion of Iraq is often spoken of in the United States as a ‘blunder,’ or even a ‘colossal mistake.’ It was a crime. Those who perpetrated it are still at large.”

6. It’s a Beautiful Day to Talk About Mister Rogers
“Rogers' worldview was inextricably bound to his theology, and to the Christian concept of "grace." This idea that we are broken, but that we are loved, and that we matter to God ... that's fundamental to many Christians. It's not a point-of-view we see represented very often by a TV personality. That too is part of the enduring fascination with Fred Rogers.”

7. FEMA-funded Hotel Rooms Are Still the Only ‘Home’ for Many Puerto Rican Evacuees
At least 60 percent of Puerto Ricans receiving TSA assistance in the United States don’t plan to return to the island when funding expires, a FEMA representative said, although that could change in the future as the island rebuilds.

8. Why Are White Men So Angry?
We ask again and again and again.

9. Mental Health Disorders Are Pervasive in the Juvenile Justice System. Here’s How One State Is Addressing It
Between 50 and 70 percent of the young prisoners in state juvenile justice systems have a mental disability, but an analysis of those systems found that only one state — Indiana — requires all teachers in such facilities to have special education certification.

10. Postcards from America
Pacific Standard collects dispatches from all 50 states, the District of Columbia, and U.S. territories on some of the best and worst things happening across the country given — or in spite of — our polarized state.

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