Hillary Clinton Faith Adviser Accused of Sexual Harassment | Sojourners

Hillary Clinton Faith Adviser Accused of Sexual Harassment

Image via RNS/The Eleison Group

Hillary Clinton reportedly asked to keep an adviser to her 2008 presidential campaign onboard, despite accusations that he had sexually harassed a young woman.

The New York Times reported that Burns Strider, Clinton’s faith adviser at the time, was accused of harassing a 30-year-old woman who sharing an office with him. The woman told the campaign that Strider sent her suggestive emails, rubbed her shoulders inappropriately and kissed her on the forehead.

A sexual harassment report was made to campaign manager Patti Solis Doyle. Doyle reportedly approached Clinton and asked that Strider be fired. Clinton declined to do so, and Strider remained on staff.

Strider, who was married at the time, instead was docked several weeks of pay and was ordered to undergo counseling, per the Times.

The young woman, who reportedly signed a nondisclosure agreement that prevents her from publicly speaking about the campaign’s inner workings, was moved to a new job.

“To ensure a safe working environment, the campaign had a process to address complaints of misconduct or harassment. When matters arose, they were reviewed in accordance with these policies, and appropriate action was taken,” read a statement from the law firm that represented the 2008 campaign. “This complaint was no exception.”

Strider still appears to be close with Clinton. He attended her birthday party in October, along with his son.

An active Twitter user, he tweeted several times about the Alabama Senate special election between Democrat Doug Jones and Republican Roy Moore, who faced several accusations of sexual misconduct.

Strider also appeared to mock conservative Bill O’Reilly, who said he was mad at God over his own sexual harassment scandal.

Prior to the 2008 Clinton campaign, Strider worked on Capitol Hill, including as as a senior adviser to then-House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif.