Weekly Wrap 8.4.17: The 10 Best Stories You Missed This Week | Sojourners

Weekly Wrap 8.4.17: The 10 Best Stories You Missed This Week

1. He Went to ICE to Tell Agents He Had Gotten into College. Now He and His Brother Have Been Deported.

The brothers have no criminal records and would not have been a priority for deportation by the Obama administration, said Matthew Bourke, a spokesman for Immigration and Customs Enforcement.

2. Justin Lee on His Exit from the Gay Christian Network and Reaching Across Divides

The organization Justin Lee started 16 years ago has become a cornerstone of the LGBT Christian community. As he moves on, Lee talks with Sojourners on GCN’s accomplishments and what his future holds.

3. We Need to Talk About Digital Blackface in GIFs

“There’s no prescriptive or proscriptive step-by-step rulebook to follow, nobody’s coming to take GIFs away. But no digital behavior exists in a deracialized vacuum. We all need to be cognizant of what we share, how we share, and to what extent that sharing dramatizes preexisting racial formulas inherited from “real life.” The Internet isn’t a fantasy — it’s real life.”

4. 56 Retired Generals and Admirals Sign Letter Criticizing Trump’s Military Transgender Ban

“This proposed ban, if implemented,” the letter said, “would cause significant disruptions, deprive the military of mission-critical talent, and compromise the integrity of transgender troops who would be forced to live a lie, as well as non-transgender peers who would be forced to choose between reporting their comrades or disobeying policy.”

5. How the Changing Church Will Define the Future of U.S. Politics

Here’s why Public Religion Research Institute’s Robert P. Jones thinks the latest white evangelical grasp for power will ultimately be short lived.

6. Why Do Women Bully Each Other at Work?

Is office culture to blame?

7. Uncertainty Grows in Zimbabwe as the Trump Administration Considers Cutting Foreign Aid

Zimbabwe receives $150 million in U.S. aid funding annually to combat food insecurity and support climate resilience programs for 2.1 million people. But under Trump’s proposed “skinny budget,” the future is unclear.

8. Climate Change Is Making Americans Poorer

“If emissions are not rapidly curtailed, global warming threatens disruptive change both for the planet and human civilization.”

9. I Keep Confusing Ayn Rand and Jesus

“There are like four things you can say to defend any position on anything. Two of these things are ‘Jesus’ and ‘Ayn Rand.’ ‘Liberty’ is another. ‘Liberty’ is a code word that means less taxes and more guns. Another thing to say is “the United States Constitution.” That really shuts people up. And it doesn’t matter if you don’t understand the Constitution, because no one does.” [Y’all, this is satire.]

10. The Darker Side of This Summer’s Total Solar Eclipse

Read this before you plan your eclipse-viewing road trip.