Philando Castile Shot and Killed by Police | Sojourners

Philando Castile Shot and Killed by Police

Screenshot via Lavish Reynolds / Facebook / CNN

Philando Castile, a black man from Minneapolis who was pulled over and shot by police July 6, has died, reports CNN.

One of the passengers, Castile’s girlfriend Diamond Reynolds, began filming the incident right after the shooting.

The video shows Castile covered in blood and a police officer outside the car with gun drawn.

According to CNN:

The St. Anthony's Police Department doesn't have body cameras, according to the department's office manager, Kim Brazil.

One officer has been placed on standard paid administrative leave, [Interim Chief Sgt. Jon] Mangseth said at a short news conference early Thursday morning.

…The Minnesota Bureau of Criminal Apprehension Assistance, a state-wide criminal investigative agency, was called and is investigating the incident, Mangseth said.

This shooting death comes just after the police shooting of Alton Sterling in Baton Rouge, La. on July 5.

Read the full article here.

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