Our Nation's Moral Leprosy | Sojourners

Our Nation's Moral Leprosy

Image via Terrance Emerson/Shutterstock.com

Now the United States of America was commander of the free world. She was a great country, in her own sight and in the sight of others, highly regarded, because through her the Lord had given victory. She was a valiant warrior, but she had leprosy.

My paraphrase of the 2 Kings text this Independence Day weekend captures, for me, the current flavor of our United States of America. It is evident in ongoing political tensions. It is in the sickness of a nation that does little but pray in the face of the Orlando massacre. It is in the fear and vitriol directed at refugees who are trying to save their family’s lives. Our country is great, and our great country is sick.

We need healing from the disfiguring moral leprosy of "better than." My political viewpoint is right. My faith is true. My country is best. The illness that plagues us crosses partisan lines. It includes people of faith. It includes "the nones.” Moral leprosy is blemishing our best ideals, our best faith, our best selves. It infects us, whether we arrogantly place our affinity group above all others, or apathetically fail to speak and act against those who do. Caught in the festering wound that pits God's children against one another, we are called to make the fetid mess right. We are called to heal.

Healing Will Be Given, Not Purchased

Naaman, a great man, had leprosy — a disease that left most individuals outside the bounds of human relationship and community. But, Naaman, a man of pronounced wealth and excessive power, had access to kings. He could buy anything he fancied. Except that. He couldn’t buy healing.

Instead, a few unnamed people extended healing to him at no cost. Individuals of little value held the item Naaman most valued but could not procure. They held healing in their outsider bodies — female bodies, foreign bodies, enslaved and marginal bodies.

I like to think that their generosity inspired Naaman to engage his own acts of healing justice. To use his wealth and influence, like the store owners in our video, to leverage what cannot be purchased – jobs, opportunities, and hope for a future.

Healing Invites Humility

Many of us are not comfortable receiving what we have not earned or paid for. The great man had leprosy, and sickness unceremoniously dumped him in the dustbin of “other,” where his power and wealth could not make him well. In this outsider place, he suffers with the marginalized.

Perhaps in this place, Naaman touches the fear of refugees wondering about their safety, their next meal, and their futures. Sickness takes the great warrior where his wealth and power cannot, and there he discovers what he needs — a community. Sometimes healing comes when we admit that we are not warriors but vulnerable human beings in need of help that we cannot earn or pay for. Life is largely about figuring out what we need and what we hold. The rest of life is about receiving and giving.

Prepare to Be Surprised

The great warrior could not heal himself. The great king could not heal the great warrior, rather a little slave-girl was the first healer. She held the knowledge of a prophet who was able to cure. Elisha, a foreigner and person of a different faith, held the knowledge of what action to take. A group of servants held the words that convinced Naaman to receive what the prophet held.

What healing do we miss because we cannot receive? We must stay open to healing that comes as surprise.

Wash seven times in the Jordan River. Speak with this person about a job. Let me shelter you.

God made us for Godself and for one another. Healing our moral leprosy, will happen in communities of surprising folks when we are ready to receive.

Learn To Quilt

It takes a hodgepodge of God's beloved creatures, stitched together, to fashion Naaman’s healing. The quilted existence, that sees difference as an opportunity to receive and give, is fairly effortless for my twenty-six year old nephew and many of his peers. He has pieced together the patchwork of his life into a beautiful covering that includes all God’s people. He was my travel buddy to Greece and China and spent part of every summer with me in New York. We intentionally seek out different music, new foods, and most significantly for both our lives, people from all walks of life. My nephew jokingly refers to my circle of friends as the rainbow coalition. Learning about their worlds, helped fashion and heal his own.

We cannot get to the healed and whole places God has prepared for us if we are traveling only with those who look and think and worship and dress and live and vote and love like us. Naaman’s healing comes together at the point where the fullness of human experience comes together. He learns to quilt.

No Child of God Left Behind

I'm sitting in the Staten Island Ferry Terminal putting the finishing touches on this piece. Through the soaring windows, I have a marvelous view of the American flag and the Statue of Liberty. On my right, a man in West African dress is speaking French into his mobile phone. To my left, a Chinese grandfather comforts his granddaughter in Mandarin. A port authority guard with fingernails as long as my forearm, painted the color of setting suns, explains to an East Indian family how the subway system works.

This is it — the hub of a city that welcomes the refugee. This is the gateway for the “tired, poor, huddled masses yearning to breathe free.” We are a nation of immigrants. I love this rhythm and flavor of America, in spite of the recent Supreme Court split decision, because, at our best, we remember that all God's people are holy. We remember that welcoming the stranger is central and sacred to the story of our nation and our faith. I agree with President Obama’s assessment that the failure to take action on immigration "takes us further from the country that we aspire to be." It also takes us further from the people of God we aspire to be — those who share the healing they hold.

As we celebrate our freedom this weekend, do not miss the border crossing, multicultural effort required to bring the great warrior to wholeness. Be aware of the shifts in power from the mighty to the disenfranchised as masters take orders from servants. Note the collective wisdom of community members working together, in spite of difference, and be inspired to give what you hold to help create a healed world that works for everyone. For I am convinced that our healing is located beyond borders, and we cannot heal if we cannot cross over.

This article originally appeared at On Scripture.