What Your Pastor Is Really Thinking | Sojourners

What Your Pastor Is Really Thinking

Ollyy / Shutterstock.com
Photo via Ollyy / Shutterstock.com

Your pastor doesn't have it all figured out. We promise.

They get scared. They get angry. They get lonely. And they doubt whether any of it's worth their time, or their faith.

Unfortunately, clergy rarely have the opportunity to publicly share these vulnerabilities. So when #realclergybios started trending on Twitter, many ministers offered the honest, sometimes profane backstories to their holy lives. The hashtag was started by Mihee Kim-Kort, a campus minister ordained in the PCUSA, who tweeted "I have 2 Masters degrees but still not sure what I believe."

And with that confession the floodgates opened and Twitter met the real pastors, in all their humanity. Below we've highlighted some of the best #realclergybios.

Some were playful:

While others wondered whether their vocation drew them away from Jesus:

And many female pastors shared how often people question their leadership:

While some black ministers told stories of black excellence shocking white congregants:

Some shared how they carry the heavy burden of ministry:

But at the end of the day, many pastors feel overwhelming emotion at every service:

Moral of the story: Never forget to love your pastor. They're human, too.