Jim Wallis' new book America's Original Sin: Racism, White Privilege, and the Bridge to a New America is helping to spark a national conversation about Christians' role in the work toward racial justice. Jim will be traveling the country to places that have become the frontlines of this new movement — places like Ferguson, Chicago, Minneapolis, Baltimore, and more — to participate in town hall meetings and discuss how churches should be at the forefront of change. These are his notes from the road.

We had a good first week with America’s Original Sin. I wanted to share with you and many other friends along the way of our ongoing tour my favorite interview of the week. It was on Morning Joe. I was delighted to see that some genius producer there had invited Eddie Glaude, the Chair of the Center for African American studies with an endowed chair at Princeton to join the discussion. Eddie had been on Morning Joe the week before to promote his new book, Democracy in Black, which I am reading right now. The dialogue we had on the show was both exciting and encouraging, at least from both of our perspectives!