IN REGARDS TO the article "An Islamic Threat?" (by Charles Kimball, July 1993): The handful of terrorists who call themselves Muslims shouldn't be considered a barometer for the measuring of the true meaning of Islam and its constituency. To understand the truth of Islam, Westerners should read the Koran in the best translation available. There the original star remains twinkling and brilliant despite thick clouds of misbehavior raised by its followers.
The Koran says to exist peacefully with your co-religionist regardless of race or nationality. There were and are always double standards dealing with certain nations based on religion, race, and national origin. Misoneism (the hatred, distrust or fear of what is new or represents change) is partly responsible for this line of thinking, which permeates the very fabric and soul of the West and the European media's perception of Islam.
Though the title of Kimball's editorial threw me off balance in the beginning, toward the end of his article the picture he was painting became much clearer. Once we abandon solipsistic attitudes, his suggestions can be readily adhered to.
Barry Weatherspoon
Jefferson City, Missouri
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